Tuesday 30 September 2014

Gotham Season 1- Episode 2 (Review)

This was very good and is a great start up for Selina Kyle.

The episode is about a number of homeless children,  who have been kidnapped by two henchmen working for the Dollmaker. It also functions as the Penguin's first time to use extortion.

Selina Kyle was just stunning and Oswald Cobblepot had brutal and intense present about him. Still my heart is for Nigma, who is just so socially akward that he is sweet.

I need a little time to get use this Alfred, but in time I think I will.

Overal this episode is great and if they keep this quality up, it will be a great series.

Monday 29 September 2014

Raoul (Gotham)

Robert Jimenez

First Appearance: Gotham Season 1 Epsiode 1

Raoul is one of Fish Mooney's henchmen and emloyee's at her Nightclub, who decided to double cross and steal money from her.

When Fish found out, she took him and her thugs to the alleyway, behind her club and began to interrogate him by continously beating him with a baseball bat. She tells him that she still cares for him, but believes his betrayl proves he no longer cares for her. When he tries to plea through his swollen face that he does, she asks him where her money is, giving him another whack. He tells her he will get it and give it to her, but she is distracted by the rain, causing her to shout at Cobblepot for letting her get wet. She is further distracted by the arrival of one of the club's bartenders, who tells her Bullock is waiting to see her. She leaves, telling them to keep him "warm" for me. Gilzean asks Oswald if he wants a go and he excitedly accepts, hitting soft at first, but getting harder with each whack and laughing with each hit.

Oswald persits to violently beat Raoul, making him scream louder. Butch and another thug tell him to tae it easy, referring to him as "Penguin." But before a fight brakes out between them, Gordon arrives to investigate the source of the shouting. Gordon tells Oswald to drop the bat, which he complies, while Gilzean tells them they are just having fun. Raoul is forced to weekly ut two thumbs up and Gordon leaves. Butch throws him aside into a puddle.

Sunday 28 September 2014

The Comedians (Gotham)

Fish Mooneys has a comedy night where Mooney auditions some of Gotham's ameatuer comedians to take up the gig in the club.

Jon Beavers

First Appearance: Gotham Season 1 Episode 1- Pilot 

The comedian is an unnamed amatour, who is auditioning to be part of Fish Mooney's entertainment.

Fish and Oswald (in the background) are watching his act while having she is her dinner. His sense of humour is rather dark telling the joke "I'm not affraid of death, much as I am of dying. I want to die how my father died... peacefully in his sleep. Not like his screaming, terrified passengers," which Fish finds hilarious and Oswald smiles at. When Gilzean calls her, Fish asks him to give her moment but tells him he is doing great.

He waits on the stage as Fish asks Cobblepot to massage her feet, telling him that she hasn't forgotten about him and likes him, becuase she finds him funny. He looks on in terror as Fish beats Oswald with a chair and further brakes his leg with the chairs, after discovering he had "snitched" on her to the Major Crimes Unit.

(Already confirmed by Fox that comedian #1 is not to be the Joker... but he is said to be appearing at some point)

Qing Lu (Batman Arkham Origins)

First Appearance: Batman Arkham Origins 

Qing Lu is a henchman for the Penguin and is one of his best hit men. He is highly trained at martial arts.

Lu worked for an arms dealer Alex Cane, who also was one of Penguin's henchmen. He eventually grew tired and decided to kill him.

During an arms deal on Chrstmas Eve, Lu shot and killed Cane in the heart so he could advance further up in Penguin's gang. However Cane throws a Molatov cocktail at him, before he dies, in an effort to kill him as well. Lu is forced to escape over a wall and up a ladder, which leads to part of the ladder coming away from the wall and his fingerprints being left at the scene of the crime.

He returns to the Final Offer, where he brags about killing Cane to some of Penguin's henchmen as Cane had become "lazy." He also offers to do jobs like Cane used to do.

Batman arrives after scanning the finger prints on the ladder and subbues Li, who whilst being interrogating, says that if Penguin had known he was responsible for Cane's death he would have ended up being killed. Batman knocks him out and sends a message to the police along with the evidence to backup the murder so they can come and arrest him.

Saturday 27 September 2014

Quincy Sharp (Batman Arkham Origins)

Tom Kane

First Appearance: Batman Arkham Asylum

Quincy Sharp was a policitcal activist, who had a deep dislike of criminals.

At some point prior to Christmas Eve, Shiva and Sharp cross paths, who tells him that her "master", Ra's al Ghul, hates criminals and is offering his help to fulfil his dream. Sharp tells her that he "doesn't appreciate you meddling in my business." But Shiva tells him that they only want to help. When he asks how they can be so sure that he can help, which she replies that it will take time. Sharp sees these as strings to become a puppet, but she tells him that it is hardly a string to get the position of Gotham City Mayor and have all the criminals purged from the city. He agrees asking her the name of the facility he is to reopen..... Arkham Asylum.

On Christmas Eve, he is interviewed by Jack Ryder, where he blames the riots at Blackgate to be the fault of the prison and that the city needs a place to help cure those who are mentally ill. He vows to the people of Gotham to have Arkham Asylum opened to be that corectional facility.

(This whole plan is the start of Strange and Ghul's plan to build Arkham City and then have all the criminals destoroyed.)

Frisky and Mannish (review)

Frisky and Mannish are just truly fabulous in every way. They are hilarious and highly talented and any show you go to of theirs is going to be packed with well crafted spoofs of songs and an array of dance that will amaze.

I have been a fan sice by mum played their music in the car and had the privalege of seeing them live last year at the Edinburgh Fringe where they were just out of this world.

Started in 2008 Laura Corcoran and Matthew Floyd Jones have been incredibly successful touring the world and have  posted there work on Youtube. 

If you are a fan of funny songs, dance and an overall great night out you should look  no further than Frisky and Mannish.

They also give the oppertunity to speak to them after the shows and they are just so down to earth. They are just.... WOW...I met my idols!! (probably too much information for this blog)

(Name taken from Miss Frisky and Miss Mannish- Lord Byron.

Link below is to their Youtube channel.


As you can tell I can't recommend then highly enough.

Thursday 25 September 2014

Fear Toxin (Injustice Gods Among Us Comic)

First Appearance: Injustice Gods Us #2

The Fear Toxin is a dangerous chemical develped by Jonathan Crane, aka, Scarecrow to use to bring out the deepest darkest fears of a person.

Joker kills Scarecrow and steals the toxin, which is laced with kryptonite.

When Superman arrives aboard the Submarine to locate Lois, who had been kidnapped by Joker and Harley, the entire room is pumped full of gas. Superman becomes infected and he sees Lois as Doomsday.

Scarecrow (Injustice Gods Among Us Comic)

First Appearance: Injustice Gods Among Us (2013) #2

In an old Metropolis S.T.A.R. Labs warehouse, the Flash discovers the body of Jonathan Crane, aka, the Scarecrow and brings Batman to see it. 

Batman confirms that the corpse is indeed Crane, who had been poisoned by Joker Toxin and had a twisted Joker-like grin on his face. Joker had stolen fear gas from Scarecrow, which he laced with kryptonite to use on Superman.

Tracey Buxton (Batman Arkham Origins)

Laura Waddell

First Appearance: Batman Arkham Origins

Tracey is a British henchman who was being groomed by her boss, the Penguin to take over his empire in the event of him not being able to. 

It is most likely that the two met when Cobblepot went to London and slowly become the Penguin.

Penguin tasked her with overseeing the Boiler Deck fight on Christmas Eve, while he tortured Alberto Falcone in his study. When Batman arrives that he is a "naughty gizza" and telling the members of Penguin's crew that he deserves a "royal welcome," introducing Electroctioner (one of the 8 assassins) to the ring. She sends in the troops after his defeat, but goes off to warn Cobblepot that Batman was on the way when the fight looked bad with the crew. Tracey saw Electrocutioner escape, passing on the message that he should "watch his arse."

Batman pursues her to the casino, where she calls him a "persistent pain in me bottle." She tells him that Penguin is not going to be disturbed and seals off the office and the control room. She then tries to get Candy to come and help her, but the latter is to busy in the torture of Falcone. She comments that she deserves a "dry slap." When Batman arrives she attacks him with a baseball bat, but is easily defeated and locked in a small barred room. She tries to get him to release her, telling him that she is claustrophobic.

After Deathstroke is defeated, Tracey is seen to have been released from the cell and has joined Cobblepot in his office, touching him along with Candy (presumably having sex for the rest of the night.)

Candy (Batman Arkham Origns)

Masasa Moyo

First Appearance: Batman Arkham Origins

Candy is one of the Penguin's high ranking henchmen. She was raised on Gotham's streets, where she eventually worked to get a business degree. Due to the bad times she had no other choice but to work for Penguin to get any money. Apart from being partnered to the Penguin, she has no record of any criminal activity.

Penguin sends her to go find some information on Roman Sionis and find his connection to the Black Mask. She tells him that Sionis is a big collector for masks.

On Christmas Eve Candy was tasked with overseeing the repairs of the Final Offer after it had been damaged. She wishes everyone of the henchmen a good evning and that they enjoy the fight.

After Batman had defeated many members of the Penguin's crew on the Final Offer, Tracey tries to get her help to fend him off. However she had been in an interrogation with Penguin and Alberto Falcone and was being called back in to the room. She tells her just deal with it, which Tracey deems worthy of a "dry slap."

Penguin asks her to recount what had happened. As she reads from the notes and giving him a wink with "hey baby." She particularly enjoys retelling Penguin that Alberto had called him a "psychotic little bastard." 

While Batman is fighting and trying to interrogate Penguin, Candy takes cover behind the desk. She further watches Batman's fight with Deathstroke. After the fight they both leave with Penguin tounching her bottom in a flirtatious manner.

When Batman tries to get into his office, she appears on a computer monitor with Penguin and Tracey touching him (presumibly leading to them having sex for the rest of the night.)

Tiffany Ambrose (Batman Arkham Origins)

First Appearance: Batman Arkham Origins

Tiffany Ambrose was one of Sionis' girlfriends and a drug trafficker (unknown is she still was before her death.)

Several days before Christmas Eve, Sionis sent her to his safe house after believing himself to being targeted. She was scared and texted him to hurry, asking who the Joker was. She goes to the kitchen to put away the bag of groceries that she had bought, but is attacked by the Joker, who slams her head against the counter with enough force to knock her unconscious and make her drop her phone. He tied her hands to the chandelier like an angel and left her for Black Mask to find.

After Joker subdues Sionis and throws the molatov cocktail beneath her and at the body of Luchese she regains consciousness, struggling to free herself and help her boyfriend. Joker forces Roman to shoot her through the heart, killing her instantly.

Batman discovers her body on Christmas Eve along with Giovanni Luchese, Black Mask's body double.

Giovanni Luchese (Batman Arkham Origins)

First Appearance: Batman Arkham Origins

Giovanni was a criminal who worked under Black Mask, operating in Gotham City as his body double. He was 31 years old.

Prior to Christmas Eve, Luchese had warrants for assault and assualt with a weapon.

Due to Black Mask's paranoia, Sionis sends Luchese in to his safe house after suspecting that he may be being targeted by someone. Luchese serves as a distraction while Sionis gets the element of surprise on Joker, who shoots him on sight, knowing that he is not the real Sionis. The shot from the Joker kills him instantly going right through his heart. Joker covers up the murder by setting off a Molatov cocktail, which caused charing that made it impossible for anyone to identify the body if it was found. 

Penguin went to Lacey Towers afterwards and discovers the dead body. He checks to see if it really is Black Mask and furiously reacts when he finds out it isn't him as Roman Sionis had a pacemaker and Luchese did not.

Batman discovers his body along with Tiffany Ambrose on Christmas Eve. He is unable identify him as he was wearing a black mask and his skin is burned and charred.  

Batman later learns that he was the male victim in the Lacey Tower murder after using the National Criminal Database to identify the small amount of DNA that survived.

"Alice" (Batman Arkham Origins)

Laura Bailey 

First Appearance: Batman Arkham Origins

Sometime prior to Christmas Eve, Jervis Tetch, aka The Mad Hatter kidnapped her and held her hostage in his Hat Shop. He gve her the codename Alice after Alice in Wonderland and dressed her up in a similar style to the classic Lewis Carol Book. It was unclear what he did to her, but it can be presumed that he raped her (judging by her reaction after Batman saved her) and tested his hypnotic work on her.

On Christmas Eve the Mad Hatter contacts Batman, where she calls out  for help. However he silences her, telling him not to mind her as she has "been through alot this evening."

Throughout Batman's vision of Wonderland he sees her running from the Hatter, until he eventually makes it to the Shop's stockroom, where the Hatter holds her at knife point sining that he can help her aslong as he leaves. Batman chucks a Reverse Batarang at him and follows it up by knocking him unconscious. He comforts her when she begins sobbing hysterically telling her she will be alright and that the police are on their way, but she replies by saying "No it's not."

Enigma's Secret Room (Batman Arkham Origins)

Located in Engima's hidden base in Coventary, behind the old Gotham Rail bill board and underground is a room which is completly sealed off to Batman. On Christmas Eve after he destroyed all of Enigma's relay stations and obtained all the data packages, Batman returns and investigates.

The door is password protected with the password "Questions and answers." Inside the room are several prototypes for devices and traps he will eventually go on to use when he becomes the Riddler and sets Batman a challenge to hunt down all of his trophies that he set up around Arkham City. He has circled December 25th on his calendar as part of his plan and has a large notice board with many drawings and notes on Batman and blue prints for more of the gadgets.

At the far end of the room is a sealed off area which holds the first ever riddler trophy that Enigma made for his battles against Batman.

Selina Kyle (Gotham)

Camren Bicondova

First Appearance: Gotham Season 1 Episode 1- Pilot

Selina Kyle is a 14 year old thief who lives and operates in Gotham.

On the night of the Wayne’s death she is seen to be crossing the rooftops. She jumps down to the market place where she uses a flick knife to cut a woman’s paper bag open, stealing her carton of milk in the confusion. On the same street she steals a man’s wallet; however he feels and sees her doing this, chasing after her. However she escapes up a fire ladder.
She climbs down the ladder on the opposite side of the building, where she removes the money from the wallet before throwing it away. She stops by the bins and uses a takeaway tray to give an alley cat milk to drink.  She begins to pet it, but is interrupted by the sound of Martha Wayne’s laugh and she escapes back up the ladder to avoid them seeing her.  She witnesses the murders of Bruce’s parents.

She later creeps onto the top of one of the mausoleum in the graveyard where the Wayne's are buried, watching the funeral take place, removing her hood in a sign of respect.

After Gordon leaves Wayne Manor, Selina climbs over the wall and watches the house.

Edward Nygma (Gotham)

Cory Michael Smith

First Appearance: Gotham Season 1 Episode 1- Pilot

Edward studied at Gotham University, where he won the Whippleburn Prize for excellence at criminal science. He often helps and contributes to science publications like "For you Record" and "Post-Mortem Monthly."

Edward Nygma is a member of the G.C.P.D, working as a coroner. He tries to present all his findings as riddles for his colleagues to solve.

He is first seen when showing Gordon and Bullock the bullets that killed both Martha and Thomas Wayne. He asks happily for them to guess what it is, but Bullock tells him to just tell them because “if he wanted riddles he would have gone to the funny pages” of a newspaper. He explains from the notes in his notebook that the bullet is a “45 calibre 300 green koopa nickel wad cutter”.  When Gordon takes the evidence bag off him saying it’s a six dollar bullet, he begins to ask another riddle, but Bullock cuts him off ordering him to “don’t ask, just tell.”  Deflated he tells them it is from a pistol that is unknown in the G.C.P.D’s databank and there are no prints found on the casing. When Harvey asks him what else he had, he riddles them with “What’s nowhere, but everywhere, except where something is?” excitedly. However he gets slightly upset when Gordon answers the riddle (“Nothing.”) They leave with Bullock telling him that he “needs professional help.”

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Gotham: Pilot (Review)

My god this was amazing.... and I mean AMAZING.

This is not a hero show, but a cop and origin show featuring some of the greatest villains and heroes of the Batman universe. But the best thing is, the show is about how they are working their way up to become what they are "today."

The premise of the show follows Jim Gordon as a detective, trying to fulfil a promise he made to Bruce Wayne to hunt down his parents.

The episode does a great job at setting up storylines without giving too much away for the future. The tension between the characters is just brilliant and Edward Nygma was just.... wow. 

But the stand out performances came from Jada Pinkett Smith as the hard as nails criminal Fish Mooney and Robert Lord Taylor as the double crossing, manipuative and violent Oswald Cobblepot.

This is a show you have to watch. Even if you don't like supeheroes you will like this. Its more of a cop show and I must say a great one at that.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Matthew Bourn's Swan Lake (Review)

My mum took me this year while it was on.... It was just mind-blowing.

A retelling of the original Swan Lake with almost the music from Tchaikovsky, this version has an all male swan assemble compared to that of the female swans.

The story revolves around a young prince who gets no affection from his mother, the queen, and wants to have freedom.

The choreography in this is just stunning and  the chemistry between the male lead swan and the prince is absolutely amazing.

The costumes for scenes are just incredible and it was an absolute treat to watch. The music is just second to none and you won't leave the theater disappointed.

I first learned about it from Billy Elliot, which had the first ever swan, Adam Cooper, playing a grown up Billy starring in the show and I am privileged to have been able to see it because it is stunning.

Friday Night Dinner (Review)

Now this show is just hilarious with a different scenario happening every Friday night when the family sit down to have dinner. 

This channel 4 comedy is wonderful, taking the mickey out of modern family life and is generally a warm hearted  feel good show to watch. 

My favorite character is the mum, played by Tasim Greg, who just nails the withering looks and disapproving/ cutting statements that she does so well .

On it's third season this show has a great cast and is well worth a watch if you haven't seen it.

If you are interested in watching it then you can check it out on 4oD

Gormenghast (2000) Review

Another great adaptation with a cast that brings the characters to life with scary realism.

Based on Mervyn Peake's novels, this BBC adaptation recounts the stories of Steerpike (Jonathan Rhys- Myers) as he works his way from a kitchen boy to become one of the darkest blights that Gormenghast had ever seen.

The costumes, set direction and Master Chalk (the albino rook) add to the spectacular performances of the actors, bringing many high profile names to flock in an amazing rank. To list favorite characters would be naming most of the cast and would take far too long, but there are some performances that are just stunning. First is Neve McIntosh playing Lady Fusha Groan, who brings the character a child-like adolescence. The second is June Brown as Nannie Slagg, who's constant complaints about her health are just brilliant tension breakers. The final stand out is Ian Richardson as Lord Groan, who brings powerful emotion to scenes, especially after the G.L.F (making sure not to spoil anything.)

If you are able to you should really watch this as this is wonderful and dramatic piece that will give you a pleasurable TV viewing experience. 

Bleak House (2005) Review

A must see BBC adaption of Charles Dicken's novel about the court case Jarndyce on  Jarndyce.

My mum introduced this to me when I was around 11, when reading a book of Bleak House's length would have been difficult for me, no matter how much I loved reading. It compelled me to read the book and I must say that I appreciate it.

The acting is brilliant on all parts with stand out performances from Timothy West as Lord Deadlock and Charles Dance as Mr. Tulkinghorn. But it is Gillian Anderson who steals the show with a breath-taking portrayal of Lady Deadlock. She brings a great presence and I can't imagine anyone else to play her. 

It is hard not to shed a tear or a dozen when watching this in many different parts and is well worth a watch as it honors the book. Some adaptations ruin the book, but others like this highlight the very best in classical literature. 

It's not all sad with Burn Gorman playing the rather shallow and imbecilic Guppy, which throughout leaves the viewer "mortified" and a tension breaker. This also goes for his mother with Sheila Hancock stealing the one scene she is in.

Overall a must see for all, whether you want to see a great Victorian period drama or a fan of Dickens this is the perfect show.

Crash of the Titans (Review)

This game is extremely fun and is well worth investing time to play.

The premise of the game is to rescue Coco from Cortex and stop another one of his evil inventions "The Doom-i- nator." Both Uka-Uka and Cortex have also mutated animals on Whompa Island to become their loyal servants and use them to terrorize Crash and Aku-Aku.

These mutants are brilliant and each have a cool look, ability and are just amazing to hi-jack and control. There is also a multi-player mode, which is cooperative storyline. I have not tested this version properly, but it sounds fun to play with two people.

My favorite character has to be Tiny Tiger, who is just a hilarious, bumbling henchmen in this game with some nice lines. But if you like a comedic character, you will love N-Gin, who has some killer lines as he tries to suck up to his boss.

If you haven't played this game you should as it is just great. It is exciting and has an engaging story mode, overall the effect is spellbinding. 

Saturday 20 September 2014

Inside Number 9 (Review)

The classic dark humor from two of  the League of Gentlemen, Inside Number 9 is a series of self contained shorts that all revolve in some way around a building or room with the number 9.

In all episodes (except one come to mention it)  Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton star alongside a wave of classic comedy actors and actresses, with appearances from Tasim Greg, Anne Reid, Mark Wootton and Katherine Parkinson and a host of others. They also have many layers of twisted humor for the macabre fan and classic bickering. However some episodes are more drama than comedy, with comedy being used to numb and lighten tenser scenes.

This show is great to watch; either in the dark on a scary night or with friends, it will appeal to fans of the more edgier and dark drama/comedy.

Jimmy Olsen (Injustice Gods Among Us)

Injustice Gods Among Us #1

Jimmy and Lois wait at the docks for a corrupt governor to show up at night. Jimmy declares that the governor is not coming, but Lois tells him that they should wait for 10 more minutes. Jimmy asks who turns up to their own anonymous tip late and makes a joke that "if I had an hours sleep for every anonymous tip  we've followed to nothing, I'd be a far more well rested person." Lois tells him to be quiet as someone is coming and he prepares his camera. When he comments on the fact that the figure that had arrived was not the governor, a gun is pointed at the lens and is shot, destroying the camera and killing him.

In #2 Superman investigates Lois' disappearance and discovers Jimmy's dead body with a bloody Joker card.

He makes his only living appearance in #1, where he is murdered by the Joker. His corps is found in issue #2.

Injustice Gods Among Us Comics- Review

This series chronicles the relationship between Batman and the rest of the Justice League after the fall of Metropolis and how Superman begins his journey to becoming the villain he is.

This series I love and it is a great way of showing the how dark someone can get if they let revenge become their only motovation in life. The first severa chapters deals with Superman hunting down the Joker after he kidnapps Lois, leading to the events of Injustice. The next chapters are about Aquaman and how the Justice League stop him from attacking people who were whaling. Then in the next chapters Superman begins his reign over criminals. 

There are 36 issues in total and if I go through them individually in this review it will take too long, so I would recommend reading them. They are truelly briliant and are just as good as the later, Year 2 series.

If you want to read the first issue you can find this series on (Redemption Mode) as well as other issues both old and new.

Injustice Gods Among Us (Video Game) Review

I love this game.... no matter how much it infuriates me when I get shot constantly by Green Arrow from half way across the map. 

This game, coming out in 2013, is like Mortal Combat with Dc Characters. 

Everything about this game is great.I love the story mode, where you basically have to take down an evil, oppressive version of Superman, who has taken over Earth and turned it into his vision of "Justice." The battle's are really intense, taking care to add in little references to the characters for most. The S.T.A.R Labs side missions, although highly annoying for me (as I have the hand-eye coordination of a bear) are still really fun and do help to try and master moves you find hard to achieve in game.

It's multi-player is what really stands out though. It is great not just for the competitive gamer, but anyone who just wants to have a laugh. Whether it's Killer Frost or Shazam, the battles can always go to anyone if they use the right combination. Not what my brother says "It's just a load of hitting buttons."

Overall this is a great game and has gotten me into playing more types of these games.

Friday 19 September 2014

Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog (Review)

Something that needs to be played on tv at some point because this is just amazing.

From Joss Whedon comes a short trio of mini-episodes about a criminal who wants to become one of the League of Evil and win the girl of his dreams.

This is brilliant with some amazing songs, cheesy superhero action and tongue in cheeck mickey taking on the usually hero/vilain show. 

My favorite character has to be Dr. Horrible, which is pulled off with the charm that only Neill Patrick Harris gives.

This is wonderful and proves you don't need to spend big money to make something that is such good quality like this.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Suicide Squad (Arrow)

First Appearance: Arrow Season 2 Episode 16: Suicide Squad

A team of criminals set up by Amanda Waller, designated Task Force-X- although known as the Suicide Squad to it's members- in order to go on highly dangerous missions in return for time taken off their prison sentences.

The members are locked in cells beneath the Starling City A.R.G.U.S Headquaters, where they stay while they wait for new orders and are inplanted with nano-bombs in the base of their neck for obiediance.


Amanda Waller first mentions the "Suicide Squad" (Season 2 Episode 12- Tremors) while visiting Ben Turner in Iron Heights prison, stating she needed someone with his "singular qualifications." When he asks her what the team she is recruiting is, she replies that "It's more of a Squad."

In "Suicide Squad", Waller gives John a mission to go to Markovia and steal a powerful nerve agent that was in the posetion of an Afghanistanian drug lord called Gholem Qadir, who John had saved in his time in the army. When Waller tells him he has to get his team in she introduces a confused John to "Task Force-X" consisting of three of both his enemies and enemies of Arrow, Ben Turner (Bronze Tiger), Mark Scheffer (Shrapnel) and Floyd Lawton (Deadshot.)

Harley Quinn (Arrow)

Voice: Tara Strong

First Appearance: Arrow Season 2 Episode 16 Suicide Squad


At somepoint prior to the formation of the Suicide Squad, the former therapist had become the criminal Harley Quinn. She had been captured and somehow drafted as a reserve member for the Squad, however not put into the main roster by Amanda Waller's orders for an unknown reason.

When Lyla and John are arguing over the ethics of the Squad, Harley can be heard through the door of her cell, saying "Do you cuties need some counseling? I'm a trained therapist." However Waller thumps on the door of her cell to shut her up.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Review)

Can we change the title to the "incredibly average Spider-Man" for this film? No... I'm being slightly harsh here. I was excpecting to like it so much more than I actually did, because I love the first one so much. I had to agree with my dad's usual "half an hour to long" moan. I found the many Peter, Gwen scenes to be unnecessary in number although they are probably needed in light of what happens later.

The character of Rhino was irritating and the only thing that made him worth watching was the suit at the end. As for Electro, I feel he was too whiny and wasn't hard-hitting enough as a villain. If they had just kept Dane DeHann as the only villain then that would have made the film a lot better than it was. 

I felt DeHann and Garfield were the best actors in the film and I loved the new look of "The Green Goblin." 

Did I like this movie.... Yes. Did I love this movie... Not even close. It was one superhero movie I would watch if I was bored, but it would not be one I would beg to put on if I was asked to choose a movie to watch on film night. I generally feel bad putting this down, but I can only hope the thrid and fgourth movie relight the fire and send it soaring back to the standards of the the first film.

Now You See Me (Review)

A brilliant movie that has to be watched and rewatched to pick up on small details that are easy to miss first time you watch. This movie is about four solo magicians banded together to become one of the best bands of criminals and their battle against the F.B.I. In simple terms, four stage magicians try to defeat the people who are supposed to help protect the world.

Each of the "Four Horsemen" have a brillaint trick to play in the film and you will not finish the film without feeling amazed by the very unexspected twist that was so outside the box it was practically in a diffrent film.

The acting is amazing with standout performances from Mark Ruffalo, Isla Fisher and Morgan Freeman, but their is honestly not a bad actor or actress in this film. 

My favorite characters are: Jack Wilder, the youngest up-and coming magaician trying to stand out in the world of magic and Henley Reeves, the escape artist with some great lines and a sassy trick with piranhas.

Overall this movie is amazing and would recomend it very much.

Injustice Gods Among Us Year 2- Third Wheel

In a flashback years  before the Metropolis disaster, Oliver Queen, Dinah Lance and (reluctant) Hal Jordan go for a drink after their victory against a "plant-core eating zombie moon" and although Hal just wants to go home and do laundry as he hasn't been home in a week, he joins them in Buffalo's Bar. Dinah tells him he does a very good "boring old man impression" for a man of his age.

Hal states he doesn't like acting like a third wheel, which Dinah counters by telling him he wouldn't if any relationship he had would last more than a week. When Hal sulkily tries to change the subject by saying he saved the world, she just shoves a bowl of peanuts under his nose and telling him to take one. When he tries to tell her she wouldn't be sitting there is it wasn't for him, she carries on asking him if the Guardians of the Universe knew "the word commitment had you shrieking like a little girl."

A biker comes up and tries to flirt with, stating he wanted to buy her drink, while the rest of his gang stand behind him. Ollie scoffs into his beer, which irritates the biker and makes him grab Ollie by his jacket. He tries to intimidate him, asking if he said anything behind his "stupid little beard." Dinah gives him one warning to let go and walk away as she is the only one who can "touch him inappropiatly." The biker scoffs, asking him if he needs her to fight his battles. Oliver replies he doesn't need to, but he likes it when he does, enjoying the barroom brawl that Dinah starts by chucking the biker into his friends. Oliver only intervenes by flicking a peanut into the face of the biker, who was about to whack Dinah with a chair. Dinah smiles, telling Oliver he didn't need to as he had him and when Oliver replies that he "only lifted a finger" she repeats saying she "will always fight for you." When Hal coments again about being a third wheel, Dinah jokes that he can play with his beard, which she had been doing at the time. Oliver calls for a toast and they give cheers to "Hal Jordan, saviour of the world and the finest third wheel a man and his girl could have."

In the present Dinah and the members of both the Justice League and the Insurgency (all except Superman and Batman) have attended in their civillian identities to pay their respects to Green Arrow. They all leave in silence, except for Dinah and Hal, who tries to talk to her but she refuses while he still follows Superman's new world order. Hal leaves upset, leaving her alone.

Superman arrives and tries to talk to Dinah, saying he never meant to kill Oliver. When she doesn't answer he touches her shoulder asking her to speak. She angrily asks him if she wants to say something, uttering a loud canary cry that causes his ears to bleed. In fury he grabs Dinah's mouth, but she looks at him defiantly telling him to show her what Oliver saw before his death and that she fooled him like he did everyone else in being a human and a hero. She tells him that humans are not as fragile as he sees and will tear down his tyrony and Regime, but he tells her to watch her words. Dinah tells him to look at her, look closely and as he scans her he is shocked to discovered she is pregnant. Dinah tells him she is fighting for two now. Superman flies off and Dinah contacts a third party, Oracle, asking her if the recording contact lens caught everything. Oracle complements her saying they did.