Thursday 25 September 2014

Enigma's Secret Room (Batman Arkham Origins)

Located in Engima's hidden base in Coventary, behind the old Gotham Rail bill board and underground is a room which is completly sealed off to Batman. On Christmas Eve after he destroyed all of Enigma's relay stations and obtained all the data packages, Batman returns and investigates.

The door is password protected with the password "Questions and answers." Inside the room are several prototypes for devices and traps he will eventually go on to use when he becomes the Riddler and sets Batman a challenge to hunt down all of his trophies that he set up around Arkham City. He has circled December 25th on his calendar as part of his plan and has a large notice board with many drawings and notes on Batman and blue prints for more of the gadgets.

At the far end of the room is a sealed off area which holds the first ever riddler trophy that Enigma made for his battles against Batman.

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