Saturday 27 September 2014

Quincy Sharp (Batman Arkham Origins)

Tom Kane

First Appearance: Batman Arkham Asylum

Quincy Sharp was a policitcal activist, who had a deep dislike of criminals.

At some point prior to Christmas Eve, Shiva and Sharp cross paths, who tells him that her "master", Ra's al Ghul, hates criminals and is offering his help to fulfil his dream. Sharp tells her that he "doesn't appreciate you meddling in my business." But Shiva tells him that they only want to help. When he asks how they can be so sure that he can help, which she replies that it will take time. Sharp sees these as strings to become a puppet, but she tells him that it is hardly a string to get the position of Gotham City Mayor and have all the criminals purged from the city. He agrees asking her the name of the facility he is to reopen..... Arkham Asylum.

On Christmas Eve, he is interviewed by Jack Ryder, where he blames the riots at Blackgate to be the fault of the prison and that the city needs a place to help cure those who are mentally ill. He vows to the people of Gotham to have Arkham Asylum opened to be that corectional facility.

(This whole plan is the start of Strange and Ghul's plan to build Arkham City and then have all the criminals destoroyed.)

Frisky and Mannish (review)

Frisky and Mannish are just truly fabulous in every way. They are hilarious and highly talented and any show you go to of theirs is going to be packed with well crafted spoofs of songs and an array of dance that will amaze.

I have been a fan sice by mum played their music in the car and had the privalege of seeing them live last year at the Edinburgh Fringe where they were just out of this world.

Started in 2008 Laura Corcoran and Matthew Floyd Jones have been incredibly successful touring the world and have  posted there work on Youtube. 

If you are a fan of funny songs, dance and an overall great night out you should look  no further than Frisky and Mannish.

They also give the oppertunity to speak to them after the shows and they are just so down to earth. They are just.... WOW...I met my idols!! (probably too much information for this blog)

(Name taken from Miss Frisky and Miss Mannish- Lord Byron.

Link below is to their Youtube channel.

As you can tell I can't recommend then highly enough.