Friday 10 October 2014

The Mardon Brothers (The Flash)

First Appearance: The Flash Season 1 Episode 1: The City of Heroes


Mark Mardon
Clyde Mardon

The Mardon Brothers are a pair of criminal bank robbers, who have spent time in Iron Hights Prison.

In early 2014, the Mardon brothers robbed a down town Central City Bank. They shot down the cameras, took all the money and made a getaway. Clyde shot and killed a security guard before escaping in a Mustang Shelby GT 500.

When Detective West tells Chyre that it was the Mardon brothers responsible for the robbery, Chyre gives an exasperated sigh moaning “ah jeez, the Mardon Brothers are back.” The C.C.P.D have been ordered to track down known Mardon brother affiliations. Barry also identifies faecal excrement in the tyre tracks, which he uses to identify that the brothers are hiding in one of fours farms (by the presence of oxytetracycline , an anti-biotic used in feed only on those four specific farms.)

On the night of the S.T.A.R Labs Particle accelerator explosion, West and Chyre arrive at the last farm on Barry's list, who are sceptical, until they find the car hidden in the barn. Clyde opens fire on the two detectives, saying “I have a plane to catch,” before escaping and killing Chyre (who is surprised by the plane) and the pair fly away. West lets them get away to take care of Chyre and witnesses a radiation blast from the accelerator destroy the plane.

Clyde managed to survive the crash, but it is unclear whether Mark survived. Clyde gained the power to manipulate and control the weather.

Mark Mardon (The Flash)

First Appearance: The Flash Season 1 Episode 1: The City of Heroes

Mark Mardon is the brother to Clyde and like his brother are criminals, who have served time in Iron Hights Prison.

In 2014, Mark and his brother Clyde robbed a bank by shooting out the security cameras, took the money and shot a security guard, who was pursuing them before making a getaway in a Mustang Shelby GT 500.

They hid on a Central City farm, where they planned to fly away in a plane. On the night of the S.T.A.R Labs particle accelerator explosion, Mark was the getaway driver, who picked up up his brother after Clyde shot and killed Detective Chyre. He was flying towards Central City, but the plane was brought down by a burst of radiation. It is unclear whether he survived the crash and if he did, received the same weather manipulation powers that his brother did.

Clyde Mardon (The Flash)

 Chad Rock

 First Appearance: The Flash Season 1 Episode 1: City of Heroes

Clyde Mardon is the brother of Mark, who like his brother is criminal who served time in Iron Heights Prison. After the particle accelerator disaster he gained the meta-human ability to be able to manipulate and control the weather.

In early 2014, Clyde and his brother Mark robbed a bank, by shooting out the security cameras, taking the money and he personally shot and killed a security guard who had pursuing them, before escaping in a Mustang Shelby GT 500.

They hid on a Central City farm, where they planned to fly away in a plane. On the night of the particle accelerator explosion, Clyde took refuge in the barn while Mark got the plane ready. However Detectives West and Chyre arrive to investigate, forcing him to open fire on the pair. He gets away, shouting to them that he “had a plane to catch.” While Chyre stops his pursuit to take in the escape plane, Clyde shoots him in the face and killed him. He catches the plane, which is being piloted by Mark and they both escape. However the plane is brought down by a burst of radiation causing it to crash.

Clyde managed to survive, gaining the power to control the weather, although it is unclear what he had been doing for the nine month period that Barry had been in a coma or when his powers manifested.

He resurfaces nine months later in a down town Gold City bank. He writes a message on a slip of paper and hands it to the woman behind the bank, which she reads out to be “This is a robbery.” When she asks if it is a joke, he says “you tell me.” He takes a step back, creating a miniature storm cloud and mist that startles everyone and causes all the glass in the ceiling to shatter. He uses the cover of the storm to rob the bank and escape. However one cell phone recorded him making his escape in a black mustang with a partially recognisable number plate.

Mardon had also struck two other banks in the space of that month, using his powers to cover his tracks. His powers had shorted security cameras and his face could not be caught by cameras, which resulted in him eventually being identified by police sketch artist.

Police cars chase after Mardon, who causes a crash that nearly kills Iris (though she is rescued at the last second by Barry), before driving off. Barry recognises Mardon and speeds after him, smashing into the car and startling Clyde. He tries to pull a gun on him, but Barry causes the car to tip over. He escapes from the car and Barry confronts him, but he creates fog to cover him and cause a car crash.

Mardon escapes to the farm just west of Central City, where the plane had crashed. Detectives West and Thawne track him down as well as Caitlin Snow (using a rerouted S.T.A.R Labs satellites to identify freak weather patterns, with a freak dropping of atmospheric pressure by 20 millibars in seconds.) They discover him sitting in the barn, who tells them they “have him”, before laughing. He begins to talk about the events after waking up and comparing his powers to God. When Thawne turns his gun on him, Clyde sends them both flying across the room, knocking Thawne out. He asks if they thought they had the power to stop “God,” but West retaliates by questioning why “God” would need to rob banks. He tells West that he is right and that he was thinking too small, creating a massive tornado that destroys the barn. Clyde stands in the centre of the tornado moving towards Central City.

When Barry starts running counter clockwise around the tornado, Clyde hits him with a blast of lightning that knocks him back. He states that “it's time to think big” continuing his advancement on the city. Barry makes another attempt, which is successful in cancelling out the power of the tornado. Clyde turns his gun on him, saying that he didn't believe anyone else had powers and that he was "like him", but Barry tells him that he isn't as Mardon is a murderer. Before Clyde can shoot, West open fires, killing Mardon and saving Barry.

Chaz (Injustice Gods Among Us Year Three)

First Appearance: Injustice Gods Among Us Year Three #2

Chaz is an ally and friend to John Constantine and drives the magic taxi that they use to travel.

When Batman and Constantine meet, Chaz appears in the car and introduces him to the Dark Knight, apologising if he will make the car “broody.” Constantine tells him to drive, however he is driving on the wrong side of the road, banging and scraping cars as he passes. Constantine tells him to remember that they are in America. Batman asks if he couldn't find anyone to drive on the right side of the road and a car, but Constantine tells him that he is one of the few people he trusts in the world and behind the wheel of a car. Constantine whispers to take a “peek” in the back seat, where he sees Detective Chimp and Batman with identical looks on their faces and sniggers, before bursting out with John in fits of laughter. Batman tells them off for laughing, but Detective Chimp says “I'm a talking chimpanzee in a hat and you're a grown man in a bat suit. Let them have this one.” John tells him to pull over and he parks the taxi, which he does in front of a house and they all get out, while he waits in the cars.

Raven (Injustice Gods Among Us Year Three)

First Appearance: Injustice Gods Among Us Year Three #2

Raven is the daughter of Trigon and a magic user, who has sided with Superman and his Regime.

At some point Raven had been taken prisoner by Constantine and was magically locked away in an abandoned house, contained in a purple circle and energy star.

When Constantine arrives the house with Batman and Detective Chimp, who recognises her immediately and asks Batman if he knew about her after not looking surprised. But he tells Chimp that they needed to be taken off the board as she was too dangerous to have free. Constantine reveals that he wanted to let Batman and Chimp on this secret in case anything ever happened to him and that he did not want to keep her there forever. Raven begins a threat about “when her father comes...” but Constantine says he will come when he calls for Trigon.

Trigon (Injustice Gods Among Us Year Three)

First Appearance: Injustice Gods Among Us: Year Three #2

Trigon is the demon father of Raven and a resident of Hell.

John Constantine visits him in hell, asking him in a sarcastic manner if he had a light for his cigarette. But Trigon asks him impatiently what he wants. Constantine tells him that he has news on Raven and he asks him why he would share that news. Constantine had sold a portion of his soul to Trigon and he jokes about the contract “not being worth the blood they're written in.” He asks Trigon how the deal worked, but he only reveals that he will enjoy “torturing him for millennia to come.” He also says that he will not trade the piece for any information that Constantine could reveal to him about his daughter. Constantine continues, telling Trigon that something dangerous is being used by Superman and his Regime to remove powerful magic users from out of his way. Trigon asks what the force is, but Constantine replies that he doesn't know, but asks that when he does if he'll be ready. But Trigon grabs him by the coat, telling Constantine he doesn't trust him and calls him a “little magician.” Constantine says that he isn't surprised and tells him that he can't physically harm him, however Trigon growls “yet.” He lowers Constantine to the ground asking again why he is sharing this information. Constantine replies by mentioning that Trigon may “let him off for good behaviour” for torture. Trigon glowers at him ordering him to find Raven and not to return until he does.

Constantine calls him a wanker once he arrives back at Earth.