Tuesday 14 October 2014

Kanto (Prime Earth)

First Appearance: ?
First Mentioned: Earth 2 (2012) Annual 1: Secrets and Origins

Kanto is known as the "Master Assassin of Apokolips." He was among those of Darkseid's underlings to be locked away on Earth 2, without a way of getting back to Earth.

During the Apokolips War, Kanto was supplying people with powers to create soldiers for the war. Among his subjects was Mister Icicle.

Rumours spread about Kanto calling a meeting to all the people he empowered, while he ordered them to be prepeared and keep Hawkgirl, who they percieved as a threat. Kanto prefers not to fight on the battlefield, but he was loyal to Darkseid and Apokolips (unlike Steppenwolf, who was only in it for himself.)

Mister Icicle- Earth 2 (The New 52)

First Appearance: Earth 2 (2012) Annual 1- Secrets and Origins

Mister Icicle was a criminal who was committing a crime spree in Colmenar Veijo, Spain.

Originally Jamie Encana  had no powers, until Kanto "the Assassin of Apokolips" gave him the powers to control and fire ice, which he used to develop cryogenic weapons.

The second Batman on the trail of Kanto tracks him down since, Kanto called for all he empowered in the Apokolips war to come to him. After an initial fight Encane gets away, but is quickly captured by Batman who begins interrogating. He reveals that those empowered were told to prepare and although he wasn't high up in rank and that he is meant to treat Hawkgirl as a threat, being on guard in case she turned up. He begs Batman to release him, but Batman shoots him in the stomach, killing him.

Sam Zhao- Earth 2 (The New 52)

First Appearance: Earth 2 (2012) #2- Age of Wonders

Sam is Alan Scott's partner and would be fiancee. He is openly gay, even with his father's disapproval to his sexuality.

Sam comes to Hong Kong to meet Alan's plane personally, insisting that he does so to Alan's driver, Bernard.

Alan spots him in the shadows and tells him to come over, where they embrace and kiss. Alan apologises that he is sorry for being away for so long, saying he wanted to speak to him about that as well, but Sam says it can keep and suggests they go. Alan puts his arm around his shoulder, asking if the penthouse is ready, but Sam explains that he has booked a luxury hotel for them as a romantic time away from work, a few hours away by a bullet train. He jokes that he owes him for being away so long and Alan agrees saying "it sounds magical."

On the bullet train, Sam happily tells him about the place and how they have booked a private wing to themselves and Alan replies that he would love anywhere that is with him, apologising again for "sappy" talk. Alan tells him that he wanted to "do this" when he got there, but couldn't wait, pulling out an engagement ring and proposing. However the train and the bridge exploded before he could answer, killing him.

His body was recovered and put in a body bag along with the other passengers and Alan pledges that he will become the Green Lantern in his honour, even using the ring as the medium to channel the Green.

Batplane- Earth 2 (The New 52)

First Appearance: Earth 2 (2012) #1- The Price of Victory

The Batplane is one of Batman ad Robin's vehicles that they use while fighting crime. 

On the last day of the Metropolis war, Robin used the Batplane to circle the Apokolips Command Tower and protect Batman from any Parademons, who tried to kill him. 

After the death of Batman, Supergirl and Robin persue a figure inside a Boom Tube and she open fires, before flying through the portal and destroying the plane.

Pixie Dust- Earth 2 (The New 52)

First Appearance: Earth 2 (2012) #2- Age of Wonders 

"Pixie Dust" is a fun name given by Terry Sloan to an airbourne nanite virus he developed, which is able to take control of most to all technology.

Sloan installed the virus into his gloves and used it when he confronted Mister Terrific, calculating correctly that he would fight with his T-Spheres, so devised this as a counter measure. The virus took control of the T-spheres, which he used to neutralise and incapacitate Terrific.

Apokoliptian Command Towers (The New 52)

First Appearance: Justice League (2011) #3- Justice League, Part 3

The Apokoliptian Command towers provide information and commands to the Parademons, which are erected on every planet where Darkseid's Invasion Force arrives. One forms in the center of the Metropolis bay. The towers also act as organic material farming, where Desaad and other scientists of Apokolips can experiment to make new breeds of soldiers. 

In Justice League #5: Superman, Batman and members of Metropolis that were abducted by the Parademons and taken to the tower. However due to the fact that the tower did not have the proper tools to deal with Superman's physiology, he was sent to Apokolips. 

In Justice League #6:The towers exploded along with the Boom Tubes, taking out any Parademons that were on Earth and stopping any more plans from Apokolips for the time.

In Earth 2 #1these towers were erected very much in the same mannour as Prime Earth. Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman chose Metropolis as the end battle so that Batman could get access to one of these towers and shut it down. A second tower in the Huon Peninsula was being targeted with nuclear weapons by American soldiers, which was meant to be used if the Metropolis mission failed.

Numerous towers had been destroyed over the course of the war, which resulted in the transmition being sent to another tower and the erection of more towers before they could stop them. Batman used this information to develope a virus that would bring down the towers and will be passed on with the transmition and stop the Parademons. 

Batman scales the tower in Metropolis, where he uploads the virus into the central control. The virus was successful in shutting down the tower, however a fail safe was triggered, causing the towers to explode (killing Batman) and stopping the Parademons, making them drop out of the sky.

The remnants of the towers, large smoking craters known locally as "Fire Pits" were the reminder of everything that was lost and gained during the war.

Metropolis Apokoliptian Command Tower- Earth 2 (The New 52)

First Appearance: Earth 2 (2012) #1- The Price of Victory

The Metropolis Apokoliptian Command Tower was one of the many towers that were erected by the Apokolips' Army that provide power and instructions to the Parademons. 

Batman invented a virus that would shut these towers down and destroy the Parademons, choosing the Metropolis tower as the starting place. The virus would then pass onto each tower, utilising a programme used for Apokolips' advantage.

Batman scales the tower on the last day of the Apokolips war and uploads the virus, passing it on and shutting down the Parademons. However the tower exploded due to fail safe mechanism, killing Batman in the process.

Supergirl- Earth 2 (The New 52)

First Appearance: Earth 2 (2012) #1- The Price of Victory

Supergirl, Kara Zor-El is the cousin to Kal-El and one of the survors of the destroyed Krypton.

Supergirl was tasked to patrol the skies above several locations and protect the soldiers that were carrying nuclear weapons to remaining towers on the final day of the Apokolips war. She reports to Superman that the air is free from Parademons and asks if he requires her help. But he tells her he wants to have her there so that if they fail, the towers will be destroyed by the nuclear missiles, but preferably wanting to keep them "cold." 

Sensing Superman's death, Supergirl leaves the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea and speeds to Metropolis, leaving the soldiers to fend off Parademons.

She arrives in Metropolis seconds after the destruction of the command tower and Robin tearfully updates her on the deaths of Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. But Supergirl tries to comfort her with the fact that they died saving the world. A Boom Tube opens nearby and they both fly through the it, with Supergirl pondering who the figure is after Robin suspects it's Steppenwolf.

Robin- Earth 2 (The New 52)

First Appearance: Earth 2 (2012) #1- The Price of Victory

Robin, aka Helena Wayne, was the daughter of Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne, who became a vigilante and protector of Gotham City like her parents.

In the final days of the Apokolips War, Robin was asighned by her father to protect him from the Batplane as he scaled the Apokoliptian Command Tower, shooting down any Parademons that tried to kill and stop him. When Batman reaches the central control of the tower, he tells her to get away. She tries to argue saying that she needs to pick him up, but Batman reveals the full extent of his plan, that once the virus has been uploaded the tower will activate a failsafe that will blow up the entire tower. She asks him not to do it, but he tells her that he has no choice and calling her his "brave, wonderful soldier" tasks her to live for him. With a final "I love you" Batman uploads the virus and finishes the Parademons. 

Supergirl arrives seconds later and she tearfully explains that Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman were all dead. But Supergirl points out that they succeded in stopping the Parademons, who are falling out of the sky. They suddenly see a Boom Tube and fly towards it, thinking it was Steppenwolf, but realising it was someone else
and going through it, destryoing the Batplane on impact.

Desaad (The New 52)

First Appearance: Justice League (2011) #6- Justice League, Part Six

Desaad is Darkseid's chief scientist and a high ranking member of his court on Apokolips.

After Superman is captured by Parademons and is taken to Apokolips, he is given to Desaad as the Parademon hives that were formed on Earth, could not collect any sample of kryptonian DNA. He takes great pleasure in constantly cutting Superman's flesh, getting told off by Steppenwolf as the feeling of pleasure is forbidden. Desaad tells Steppenwolf that Darkseid won't stop until he finds his daughter, and Steppenwolf shouts to "all hail Darkseid," which Desaad does not join in on as he is too busy using his powers to torture Superman.

When Cyborg activates all of the Mother Boxes on Earth, he remotely activates both Desaad's and Steppenwolf's . Desaad panics as a Boom Tube opens and transports him away from Apokolips, with no other way of returning to his own home.

Steppenwolf (The New 52)

First Appearance: Justice League (2011) #6-  Justice League Part Six

Steppenwolf is a high ranking member of Darkseid's army, who was a member of the Apokolips invasion force. 

When Batman goes to Apokolips to in order to rescue Superman, Steppenwolf is present while Desaad is taking pleasure in cutting Superman's flesh for experamentation. He tells Desaad not to acknowledge emotions as they are forbidden and that he was not brought to Apokolips for Desaad, but as a new breed of war in Darkseid's hunt for his daughter. Desaad mentions that Darkseid will not stop his search and Steppenwolf tells him that they shouldn't either, raising a "All hail Darkseid."

When Cyborg activates all of the Mother Boxes on Earth, it also remotly activates Desaad's and Steppenwolf's, creating a boom tube that sends him to Earth 2.

In Earth 2 #1-  Steppenwolf arrives via Boom Tube to Metropolis behind Wonder Woman. Superman tries to warn her, but before he can Steppenwolf impails her through the stomach with the blade of his sword. He watches as a swarm of Parademons surrounds him and causes a massive explosion that kills themselves and him, calmly stating that Superman won't kill him after he threatened just seconds before his death. 

After Batman destroyed the Apokoliptian Command Towers with his computer virus, Steppenwolf was again trapped and forced to go into hiding while he plotted.

Minerva- Earth 2 (The New 52)

First Appearance: ?
First Appearance: Earth 2 (2012) #1- The Price of Victory

Minerva is the Roman goddess of wisdom in the Pantheon.

Minerva answered Wonder Woman's prayers for aid in the Apokolips war and took up arms to fight with the rest of the Pantheon. She was killed in battle.

Mars- Earth 2 (The New 52)

First Appearance: ?
First Appearance: Earth 2 (2012) #1- The Price of Victory

Mars is the god of war in the Roman Pantheon.

Mars took up his weapons and aided Wonder Woman in the war against Apokolips. He was among the casualties of the Pantheon.

Jupiter- Earth 2 (The New 52)

First Appearance: ?
First Appearance: Earth 2 (2012) #1- The Price of Victory

The god of thunder and the heavens, Jupiter is the head of the Roman Pantheon.

 Jupiter heard the prayers of his "daughter" for aid in the Apokoliptian War and lead the gods to battle. He eventually fell with the other gods, leaving Mercury to be the sole surviving member of the Pantheon.

Vesta- Earth 2 (The New 52)

First Appearance: ?
First Appearance: Earth 2 (2012) #1- The Price of Victory

Vesta is the goddess of home and family in the Roman Pantheon.

After hearing the prayers of Wonder Woman for aid in the Apokoliptian War, she took up arms to fight. However she was ripped to piece.

Neptune- Earth 2 (The New 52)

First Appearance: ?
First Appearance: Earth 2 (2012) #1- The Price of Victory

Neptune is god of the Sea and is the brother of Jupiter, ruler of the Roman Pantheon

Neptune took up arms in the Apokoliptian War after hearing Wonder Woman's prayers. He was among the casualties, being killed right in front of Mercury.

Apollo- Earth 2 (The New 52)

First Appearance: ?
First Appearance: Earth 2 (2012) #1- The Price of Victory

Apollo is the sun god in the Roman Pantheon.

Apollo took arms in the Apokoliptian War against the Parademons. He was among the casulities, dying right in front of Mercury.

Bacchus- Earth 2 (The New 52)

First Appearance: ?
First Appearance: Earth 2 (2012) #1- The Price of Victory

Bacchus is the Roman God of wine and agriculture in the Roman Pantheon.

Bacchus was drunk and yet he still took up his sword and fought in the Apokoliptain War. At some point in the battle he was killed.

Amazon Island- Earth 2 (The New 52)

First Appearance:?
First Mentioned : Earth 2 (2012) #1- The Price of Victory

Amazon Island is the homeland of the Amazons, where Wonder Woman originated and Diana was their princess.

Amazon Island in the last days of the Apokoliptian War fell in flames, leaving Wonder Woman to be the last of the Amazons, after all of her Amazonian "sisters" were killed. 

The Roman Gods- Earth 2 (The New 52)

First Appearance: Earth 2 (2012) #1 The Price of Victory
First Mentioned: Earth 2 (2012) #1- The Price of Victory

During the Apokoliptian War, the every Gods to up arms in answer of Wonder Woman's prayers. 

Even Bacchus, god of wine fought as Amazon Island burned. However many gods were slain. Mercury went to Wonder Woman, who was battling in Metropolis to thank her and report about all the deaths. He had seen Apollo and Neptune fall in front of him while elsewhere Vesta  had been ripped apart. Mercury believes that their efforts may not be enough to stop them and this will be where they die. Wonder Woman begs him to fight a little longer to give Batman time to destroy the Apokoliptian Command Tower. He says they will "though great Jupiter himself may yet perish we have resolve." Minerva was insistant that Wonder Woman help battle with the gods, but she too was killed along with Mars. Delivering his message of thanks for allowing him to believe in mankind, Mercury departs to join his fellow gods.

However all the gods (except Mercury) fell during the war. Mercury himself was captured by an unknown being and held for five years, until he eventually escaped, although the effort in doing so weakned him to the point of near death. His final act before his death was to empower Jay Garrick with the "Speed of a god," telling him that he is the hero the world needs.

Mercury- Earth 2 (The New 52)

Earth 2 (2012) #1- The Price of Victory

Mercury was the messenger God of the Roman Pantheon.

On the final day of the Apokoliptian War, Mercury flies to Metroplolis to deliver a message to Wonder Woman. He tells her that the Gods have heeded her prayers and that they have taken up arms to fight for the humans and for her. He says that as Amazon Island burned, even the wine god Bacchus was fighting, but they are suffering great casualties amongst their number. He personally saw Apollo and Neptune fall and he fears that this might be their last stand.

Wonder Woman begs that that the gods fight for a little longer, while Batman fulfils his mission in bringing down the Apokoliptian Control Towers. He tells her they will even if “great Jupiter himself yet may perish, we have resolve.” She questions why he is there and asks for the message, telling him that she cannot leave Metropolis to stand by the gods as she must distract the Parademons from Batman. Mercury says that he knows and that his message was one of thanks to her. For along time, mankind did not believe in the gods, but due to her faith in mankind he believes in the power of man and what they can do. Wonder Woman tells him that he is being cryptic “as always.” But he replies that he is a messenger and nothing more and that there are “no rule those bulletins be of easy ken.” He speeds away to rejoin the battle with the gods.

Jay Garrick is drinking a beer on a hill on the day he was dumped by his girlfriend, Joan, when Mercury crashes down to Earth in the form of a shooting star. When he goes to investigate, he finds Mercury in a crater. He tells Jay that he is done and that the world is in peril and that it needs a hero.

In #2, Mercury orders him to listen close, but Jay interupts and says he looks just like the Roman God, but he can't be real. Mercury replies that he is who Jay says he is and that he is the last of the gods, who all fell helping Wonder Woman stop the “hordes of Steppenwolf.” Jay asks how they did not notice as they would have seen, but Mercury retorts that he is the messenger, “yet you put me to shame.” He barks that he should be quiet as he doesn't have a lot of time. After the war, Mercury was taken prisoner by an unknown entity and at a great cost he had escaped from his custody. Jay tells him that he looks hurt and he can take him to a doctor, but Mercury laughs that he is not hurt but dying. He reveals that the evil force is very powerful and that it is coming for Earth. Jay asks if it is Apokolips, but Mercury says that this threat is far worse than Apokolips and that it is a much greater danger. Mercury describes that the being held him in a black void, where he had no sense of feeling or of who or what had and where he was. He also tells Jay that the effort it took to escape will kill him eventually, but his senses are now as free as he is. He says that he is a dying god and the job to fight it requires living heroes. Jay reveals that there are no more heroes after the deaths of Wonder Woman, Batman and Superman even if they do have the World Army. But Mercury says the new age should begin and that the man he sees before him is a worthy, brave human who has the potential to become a hero. Jay tries to tell him he has no future, but Mercury says e thanked the fates that they Jay had run to his side in his final moments. Jay continues to try and persuade Mercury to let him take him to a hospital and find “the right man”, but Mercury continues and says he believes in him. He points at Jay, saying to him that “You claim to lack a future? Let me give you one.” He blasts Jay with a bolt of energy as his skin goes grey and starts to crumble. He reveals that his powers would have waned and before he dies he would give a final gift to help the world, giving Jay the “Speed of a god.” He asks Jay to use his powers well and to “use my power and your own gallant heart to honour me and save the world.” He begs Mercury about not being worthy, but he tells him that he is.

A world Army helicopter arrives and tries to capture Jay. Mercury says it's too late to save him and advises Jay to “until you sure of everyone, distrust everyone” as the evil force that had captured him can take any form. Jay asks what he should do and Mercury tells him to run.