Friday 17 October 2014

Ra's al Ghul (Batman Arkham Asylum)

First Appearance: Batman Arkham Asylum (Cameo)

Ra's al Ghul is the leader of the League of Assassins and has lived for over 600 years using the powers of the Lazarus Pit.

While Batman is looking for Dr. Young's Titan Formula notes in the Arkham Mansion, he finds his body in a body bag and stored in a morgue. 

The Riddler tagged a riddle to the body to tax Batman and play a game of cat and mouse with his enemy. 

When Batman returns after defeating the Joker, the body has disappeared and the tag is lying on the ground. He most likely was taken to the Lazarus Pit under the Monarch Theater, where he is revived.

Killer Croc's Room (Batman Arkham City)

First Appearance: Batman Arkham City

Batman discovers a room in the Arkham City sewers that contains an old dirty mattress, humans skulls, photos of Killer Croc and the collar Croc was wearing during his stay in Arkham Asylum. It is strongly implied that Killer Croc lived in their for a period of time, before he began to roam the sewers.

Riddler tagged this place to be one of his riddles to stump Batman and try and have his revenge for being captured.

Pamela Isley (Batman Arkham Origins)

First Appearance: Batman Arkham Asylum

Pamela Isley is a botanist, who works under Dr. Jason Woodrue. She has a shop in the Park Row, called Baudelaire's, which is a flower shop.

She was invited by Ferris Boyle to visit GothCorp in order to help invent and experiment on plants to give them a natural resistance for food crops in colder climates.

She was working on New Years Eve, when Mr. Freeze attacked the HQ of GothCorp. She managed to get out of the building, which had been taken over by henchmen of the Penguin, leaving her security and I.D card .

Osito (Batman Arkham Asylum)

First Appearance: Batman Arkham Asylum

Ositio was a toy bear that belonged to Bane, when he was a child imprisoned in Pena Duro, Santa Prisca.

He came with Bane to Gotham and eventually found his way to the Arkham Asylum Medical Facility on Arkham Island, where Riddler tied him a riddle that Batman must solve in order to located his position and have him arrested after his escape.

TN-1 (Batman Arkham Origins)

First Appearance: Batman Arkham Origins

TN-1 is a chemical developed by Bane to try and kick his addiction to the steroidal compound venom.

The affect of the drug increases muscle capacity permanently, but as a side affect reduces the memory and intelligence of the user.

Bane tries to improve the formula to remove the side effect, testing it on several members of his crew, however is unable to improve it before being forced to take the serum himself  when trying to kill Batman at Blackgate. This results in Bane, forgetting Batman's identity and turning into a giant, muscular brute.

The Unnamed Singer (Gotham)

 Lucille Sharp

First Appearance: Gotham Season 1 Episode 4- Arkham

She was a singer, who auditioned for a position at Fish Mooney's.

She was performing her audition piece (Ocean Rain) for Fish Mooney, until she stopped her when Butch Gilzean turns up, commenting on her talent and looks. She tells her to come so she could "take you in" and also that she sings well. However she states that for the job, she needs to have more than a pretty face and "a pair of nice pipes." The singer declares she will do whatever it takes to get the job, which Mooney approves of. Mooney asks her preferance in gender, to which she replies boys, which makes Mooney smile and orders her to pretend she is a man and seduce her. Butch watches her walk around and massage Fish's shoulders. Mooney isn't satsified, stopping her and saying "at least you can sing." She leaves with Butch telling her that they will let her know.

Later she meets with Fish, Butch and Liza at the Gotham Dock, where Mooney tells them that she likes them both, but only has one position on offer. She says that she has talent, while Liza has "something else" making it impossible for her to decide, so they were going to have to fight for it. While Liza questions this, she removes her earrings and runs at her. However Liza doesn't hesitate for long and she is knocked to the floor and beaten to death, her head being dashed on the concrete.

Liza (Gotham)

Makenzie Leigh

First Appearance: Gotham Season 1 Episode 4- Arkham

Liza is a singer, who was auditioning for the role of singer at Fish Mooney's.

For her audition piece, she chose to sing "Spellbound", which has Fish Mooney stunned into silence, watching it as though she were hypnotized. When the song is finished, Mooney asks for her name and how long she had been singing, but she crypticall answers it has'nt been very long. Mooney asks what is her prefrence in gender and she says boys. Fish gets more business like, asking if she wanted the job or not, but Liza states that she hasn't told her what it was. Mooney tells her the job will make her powerful, wealthy and have respect equal to her. She answrs "I guess" and Fish continues questioining if she will do whatever it takes to get the job and have it all. She is more confident with her answer and Fish tells her to seduce her. Liza scoffs and Fish questions why she thinks she is joking. This leads to her perching on the table and giving Fish a long kiss, before drinking from her martini glass before walking away to the bar. 

While Fish is talking to Bullock, Butch has a private word with her. Fish looks to her whe she mentions about having a plan B, in her defeat of Don Carmine Falcone. 

Fish later meets both her and the other singer at the dock, where due to liking them both and being unable to decide between them as she only has one position open. Liza questions this as she sees the other singer remove her earrings, but with no answer begins to fight, flooring the other singer, who attacked first and beat her to death by slamming her head on the pavement. After the fight she spits some blood out of her mouth, saying "When do we start?" Fish looks pretty impressed with her performance. 

Later Liza and Fish watch the news conference given by Mayor James about the Arkham City vote. Fish comments that this has put Carmine in a squeeze and she is hoping for a few "shots to the chest" to end his reign. Liza touches her lip in pain and Fish uses ice that one of her staff bring to soothe it, commenting that they got her just in time.