Thursday 25 September 2014

"Alice" (Batman Arkham Origins)

Laura Bailey 

First Appearance: Batman Arkham Origins

Sometime prior to Christmas Eve, Jervis Tetch, aka The Mad Hatter kidnapped her and held her hostage in his Hat Shop. He gve her the codename Alice after Alice in Wonderland and dressed her up in a similar style to the classic Lewis Carol Book. It was unclear what he did to her, but it can be presumed that he raped her (judging by her reaction after Batman saved her) and tested his hypnotic work on her.

On Christmas Eve the Mad Hatter contacts Batman, where she calls out  for help. However he silences her, telling him not to mind her as she has "been through alot this evening."

Throughout Batman's vision of Wonderland he sees her running from the Hatter, until he eventually makes it to the Shop's stockroom, where the Hatter holds her at knife point sining that he can help her aslong as he leaves. Batman chucks a Reverse Batarang at him and follows it up by knocking him unconscious. He comforts her when she begins sobbing hysterically telling her she will be alright and that the police are on their way, but she replies by saying "No it's not."

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