Thursday 25 September 2014

Fear Toxin (Injustice Gods Among Us Comic)

First Appearance: Injustice Gods Us #2

The Fear Toxin is a dangerous chemical develped by Jonathan Crane, aka, Scarecrow to use to bring out the deepest darkest fears of a person.

Joker kills Scarecrow and steals the toxin, which is laced with kryptonite.

When Superman arrives aboard the Submarine to locate Lois, who had been kidnapped by Joker and Harley, the entire room is pumped full of gas. Superman becomes infected and he sees Lois as Doomsday.

Scarecrow (Injustice Gods Among Us Comic)

First Appearance: Injustice Gods Among Us (2013) #2

In an old Metropolis S.T.A.R. Labs warehouse, the Flash discovers the body of Jonathan Crane, aka, the Scarecrow and brings Batman to see it. 

Batman confirms that the corpse is indeed Crane, who had been poisoned by Joker Toxin and had a twisted Joker-like grin on his face. Joker had stolen fear gas from Scarecrow, which he laced with kryptonite to use on Superman.

Tracey Buxton (Batman Arkham Origins)

Laura Waddell

First Appearance: Batman Arkham Origins

Tracey is a British henchman who was being groomed by her boss, the Penguin to take over his empire in the event of him not being able to. 

It is most likely that the two met when Cobblepot went to London and slowly become the Penguin.

Penguin tasked her with overseeing the Boiler Deck fight on Christmas Eve, while he tortured Alberto Falcone in his study. When Batman arrives that he is a "naughty gizza" and telling the members of Penguin's crew that he deserves a "royal welcome," introducing Electroctioner (one of the 8 assassins) to the ring. She sends in the troops after his defeat, but goes off to warn Cobblepot that Batman was on the way when the fight looked bad with the crew. Tracey saw Electrocutioner escape, passing on the message that he should "watch his arse."

Batman pursues her to the casino, where she calls him a "persistent pain in me bottle." She tells him that Penguin is not going to be disturbed and seals off the office and the control room. She then tries to get Candy to come and help her, but the latter is to busy in the torture of Falcone. She comments that she deserves a "dry slap." When Batman arrives she attacks him with a baseball bat, but is easily defeated and locked in a small barred room. She tries to get him to release her, telling him that she is claustrophobic.

After Deathstroke is defeated, Tracey is seen to have been released from the cell and has joined Cobblepot in his office, touching him along with Candy (presumably having sex for the rest of the night.)

Candy (Batman Arkham Origns)

Masasa Moyo

First Appearance: Batman Arkham Origins

Candy is one of the Penguin's high ranking henchmen. She was raised on Gotham's streets, where she eventually worked to get a business degree. Due to the bad times she had no other choice but to work for Penguin to get any money. Apart from being partnered to the Penguin, she has no record of any criminal activity.

Penguin sends her to go find some information on Roman Sionis and find his connection to the Black Mask. She tells him that Sionis is a big collector for masks.

On Christmas Eve Candy was tasked with overseeing the repairs of the Final Offer after it had been damaged. She wishes everyone of the henchmen a good evning and that they enjoy the fight.

After Batman had defeated many members of the Penguin's crew on the Final Offer, Tracey tries to get her help to fend him off. However she had been in an interrogation with Penguin and Alberto Falcone and was being called back in to the room. She tells her just deal with it, which Tracey deems worthy of a "dry slap."

Penguin asks her to recount what had happened. As she reads from the notes and giving him a wink with "hey baby." She particularly enjoys retelling Penguin that Alberto had called him a "psychotic little bastard." 

While Batman is fighting and trying to interrogate Penguin, Candy takes cover behind the desk. She further watches Batman's fight with Deathstroke. After the fight they both leave with Penguin tounching her bottom in a flirtatious manner.

When Batman tries to get into his office, she appears on a computer monitor with Penguin and Tracey touching him (presumibly leading to them having sex for the rest of the night.)

Tiffany Ambrose (Batman Arkham Origins)

First Appearance: Batman Arkham Origins

Tiffany Ambrose was one of Sionis' girlfriends and a drug trafficker (unknown is she still was before her death.)

Several days before Christmas Eve, Sionis sent her to his safe house after believing himself to being targeted. She was scared and texted him to hurry, asking who the Joker was. She goes to the kitchen to put away the bag of groceries that she had bought, but is attacked by the Joker, who slams her head against the counter with enough force to knock her unconscious and make her drop her phone. He tied her hands to the chandelier like an angel and left her for Black Mask to find.

After Joker subdues Sionis and throws the molatov cocktail beneath her and at the body of Luchese she regains consciousness, struggling to free herself and help her boyfriend. Joker forces Roman to shoot her through the heart, killing her instantly.

Batman discovers her body on Christmas Eve along with Giovanni Luchese, Black Mask's body double.

Giovanni Luchese (Batman Arkham Origins)

First Appearance: Batman Arkham Origins

Giovanni was a criminal who worked under Black Mask, operating in Gotham City as his body double. He was 31 years old.

Prior to Christmas Eve, Luchese had warrants for assault and assualt with a weapon.

Due to Black Mask's paranoia, Sionis sends Luchese in to his safe house after suspecting that he may be being targeted by someone. Luchese serves as a distraction while Sionis gets the element of surprise on Joker, who shoots him on sight, knowing that he is not the real Sionis. The shot from the Joker kills him instantly going right through his heart. Joker covers up the murder by setting off a Molatov cocktail, which caused charing that made it impossible for anyone to identify the body if it was found. 

Penguin went to Lacey Towers afterwards and discovers the dead body. He checks to see if it really is Black Mask and furiously reacts when he finds out it isn't him as Roman Sionis had a pacemaker and Luchese did not.

Batman discovers his body along with Tiffany Ambrose on Christmas Eve. He is unable identify him as he was wearing a black mask and his skin is burned and charred.  

Batman later learns that he was the male victim in the Lacey Tower murder after using the National Criminal Database to identify the small amount of DNA that survived.

"Alice" (Batman Arkham Origins)

Laura Bailey 

First Appearance: Batman Arkham Origins

Sometime prior to Christmas Eve, Jervis Tetch, aka The Mad Hatter kidnapped her and held her hostage in his Hat Shop. He gve her the codename Alice after Alice in Wonderland and dressed her up in a similar style to the classic Lewis Carol Book. It was unclear what he did to her, but it can be presumed that he raped her (judging by her reaction after Batman saved her) and tested his hypnotic work on her.

On Christmas Eve the Mad Hatter contacts Batman, where she calls out  for help. However he silences her, telling him not to mind her as she has "been through alot this evening."

Throughout Batman's vision of Wonderland he sees her running from the Hatter, until he eventually makes it to the Shop's stockroom, where the Hatter holds her at knife point sining that he can help her aslong as he leaves. Batman chucks a Reverse Batarang at him and follows it up by knocking him unconscious. He comforts her when she begins sobbing hysterically telling her she will be alright and that the police are on their way, but she replies by saying "No it's not."

Enigma's Secret Room (Batman Arkham Origins)

Located in Engima's hidden base in Coventary, behind the old Gotham Rail bill board and underground is a room which is completly sealed off to Batman. On Christmas Eve after he destroyed all of Enigma's relay stations and obtained all the data packages, Batman returns and investigates.

The door is password protected with the password "Questions and answers." Inside the room are several prototypes for devices and traps he will eventually go on to use when he becomes the Riddler and sets Batman a challenge to hunt down all of his trophies that he set up around Arkham City. He has circled December 25th on his calendar as part of his plan and has a large notice board with many drawings and notes on Batman and blue prints for more of the gadgets.

At the far end of the room is a sealed off area which holds the first ever riddler trophy that Enigma made for his battles against Batman.

Selina Kyle (Gotham)

Camren Bicondova

First Appearance: Gotham Season 1 Episode 1- Pilot

Selina Kyle is a 14 year old thief who lives and operates in Gotham.

On the night of the Wayne’s death she is seen to be crossing the rooftops. She jumps down to the market place where she uses a flick knife to cut a woman’s paper bag open, stealing her carton of milk in the confusion. On the same street she steals a man’s wallet; however he feels and sees her doing this, chasing after her. However she escapes up a fire ladder.
She climbs down the ladder on the opposite side of the building, where she removes the money from the wallet before throwing it away. She stops by the bins and uses a takeaway tray to give an alley cat milk to drink.  She begins to pet it, but is interrupted by the sound of Martha Wayne’s laugh and she escapes back up the ladder to avoid them seeing her.  She witnesses the murders of Bruce’s parents.

She later creeps onto the top of one of the mausoleum in the graveyard where the Wayne's are buried, watching the funeral take place, removing her hood in a sign of respect.

After Gordon leaves Wayne Manor, Selina climbs over the wall and watches the house.

Edward Nygma (Gotham)

Cory Michael Smith

First Appearance: Gotham Season 1 Episode 1- Pilot

Edward studied at Gotham University, where he won the Whippleburn Prize for excellence at criminal science. He often helps and contributes to science publications like "For you Record" and "Post-Mortem Monthly."

Edward Nygma is a member of the G.C.P.D, working as a coroner. He tries to present all his findings as riddles for his colleagues to solve.

He is first seen when showing Gordon and Bullock the bullets that killed both Martha and Thomas Wayne. He asks happily for them to guess what it is, but Bullock tells him to just tell them because “if he wanted riddles he would have gone to the funny pages” of a newspaper. He explains from the notes in his notebook that the bullet is a “45 calibre 300 green koopa nickel wad cutter”.  When Gordon takes the evidence bag off him saying it’s a six dollar bullet, he begins to ask another riddle, but Bullock cuts him off ordering him to “don’t ask, just tell.”  Deflated he tells them it is from a pistol that is unknown in the G.C.P.D’s databank and there are no prints found on the casing. When Harvey asks him what else he had, he riddles them with “What’s nowhere, but everywhere, except where something is?” excitedly. However he gets slightly upset when Gordon answers the riddle (“Nothing.”) They leave with Bullock telling him that he “needs professional help.”