Tuesday 16 September 2014

Injustice Gods Among Us Year 2- Third Wheel

In a flashback years  before the Metropolis disaster, Oliver Queen, Dinah Lance and (reluctant) Hal Jordan go for a drink after their victory against a "plant-core eating zombie moon" and although Hal just wants to go home and do laundry as he hasn't been home in a week, he joins them in Buffalo's Bar. Dinah tells him he does a very good "boring old man impression" for a man of his age.

Hal states he doesn't like acting like a third wheel, which Dinah counters by telling him he wouldn't if any relationship he had would last more than a week. When Hal sulkily tries to change the subject by saying he saved the world, she just shoves a bowl of peanuts under his nose and telling him to take one. When he tries to tell her she wouldn't be sitting there is it wasn't for him, she carries on asking him if the Guardians of the Universe knew "the word commitment had you shrieking like a little girl."

A biker comes up and tries to flirt with, stating he wanted to buy her drink, while the rest of his gang stand behind him. Ollie scoffs into his beer, which irritates the biker and makes him grab Ollie by his jacket. He tries to intimidate him, asking if he said anything behind his "stupid little beard." Dinah gives him one warning to let go and walk away as she is the only one who can "touch him inappropiatly." The biker scoffs, asking him if he needs her to fight his battles. Oliver replies he doesn't need to, but he likes it when he does, enjoying the barroom brawl that Dinah starts by chucking the biker into his friends. Oliver only intervenes by flicking a peanut into the face of the biker, who was about to whack Dinah with a chair. Dinah smiles, telling Oliver he didn't need to as he had him and when Oliver replies that he "only lifted a finger" she repeats saying she "will always fight for you." When Hal coments again about being a third wheel, Dinah jokes that he can play with his beard, which she had been doing at the time. Oliver calls for a toast and they give cheers to "Hal Jordan, saviour of the world and the finest third wheel a man and his girl could have."

In the present Dinah and the members of both the Justice League and the Insurgency (all except Superman and Batman) have attended in their civillian identities to pay their respects to Green Arrow. They all leave in silence, except for Dinah and Hal, who tries to talk to her but she refuses while he still follows Superman's new world order. Hal leaves upset, leaving her alone.

Superman arrives and tries to talk to Dinah, saying he never meant to kill Oliver. When she doesn't answer he touches her shoulder asking her to speak. She angrily asks him if she wants to say something, uttering a loud canary cry that causes his ears to bleed. In fury he grabs Dinah's mouth, but she looks at him defiantly telling him to show her what Oliver saw before his death and that she fooled him like he did everyone else in being a human and a hero. She tells him that humans are not as fragile as he sees and will tear down his tyrony and Regime, but he tells her to watch her words. Dinah tells him to look at her, look closely and as he scans her he is shocked to discovered she is pregnant. Dinah tells him she is fighting for two now. Superman flies off and Dinah contacts a third party, Oracle, asking her if the recording contact lens caught everything. Oracle complements her saying they did.

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