Tuesday 16 September 2014

Now You See Me (Review)

A brilliant movie that has to be watched and rewatched to pick up on small details that are easy to miss first time you watch. This movie is about four solo magicians banded together to become one of the best bands of criminals and their battle against the F.B.I. In simple terms, four stage magicians try to defeat the people who are supposed to help protect the world.

Each of the "Four Horsemen" have a brillaint trick to play in the film and you will not finish the film without feeling amazed by the very unexspected twist that was so outside the box it was practically in a diffrent film.

The acting is amazing with standout performances from Mark Ruffalo, Isla Fisher and Morgan Freeman, but their is honestly not a bad actor or actress in this film. 

My favorite characters are: Jack Wilder, the youngest up-and coming magaician trying to stand out in the world of magic and Henley Reeves, the escape artist with some great lines and a sassy trick with piranhas.

Overall this movie is amazing and would recomend it very much.

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