Friday 12 September 2014

Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham)

Robin Lord Taylor

First Appearance: Gotham Season 1 Episode 1- Pilot

An ambitious henchmen who works with Fish Mooney.

He is first seen watching Fish beat up one of her henchmen for steaing from her, enjoying the scene. However when he moves away sightly she yells at him for letting her get wet. He apologies, but she threatens "If  you let this hair get frizzy, you will be. 

After Fish is called away, Butch Gilzear asks if he wants a go at beating the henchmen up, which he gladly excepts. Taking the baseball bat from Gilzear and beating him whilst laughing.
He later resurfaces in the countryside, where he promptly slashes a fisherman's throat with his own fishing knife and steals his sandwiches, looking at Gotham with determined anger.

Fish Mooney (Gotham)

Jada Pinkett Smith

First Appearance: Gotham Season 1 Episode 1- Pilot

A criminal club owner with aspirations to become a king-pin in Gotham's underworld.

Fish Mooney is the go to person when the G.C.P.D can't figure out what is happening in their cases. She is one of the many crime bosses who works for Carmine Falcone in his criminal empire in Gotham City. Harvey Bullock and Jim Gordon seek her out to discover any leads on the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne as the Theater district is her "turf."

Fish is out the back of the club, interrogating a henchmen, named Raul, who had apperently stolen money from her. She beats him with a baseball bat. She tells him that she "still cares for him" but goes on to tell him that she doesn't believe he does for her. When he replies that he does, she asks him where her money is and he says he will get it for her. She gives him another thump with the baseball bat, getting out the cover of Oswald Cobblepot's umbrella. She berates him threatingly saying "if you let this hair go frizzy, you will be" after he apologises to her. The bartender arrives and lets her know that that Bullock is waiting to see her and she tells them to "Keep him warm." She leaves, remov ing her coat and handing it to the bartender.

She greats Harvey in the club with a kiss and asking who "the friend" was. He introduces himsself and she calls him "a cool glass of milk," on edge and suscpiscous around him. He asks her is he had heard screaming and she sarcastically says that her men were watching a scary movie and then revealing that they were beating the Raul's "punk ass." Gordon looks like he is going to say something, but Bullock tells him to relax as Fish gets special privaleges by the G.C.P.D and some of her "staff" need a "firm hand." She asks him flirlty if if it wasn't a social call and if it was business, but Harvey tells her he is there about the Wayne murders. Fish replies that it was a "terrible thing" and Bullock sends Gordon away to see if anyone of the staff wanted to press charges, leaving the two of them alone to chat; after asking if it was alright with Fish to which she replies "Me casa is su casa."

Gordon returns to find both Fish and Harvey laughing and after he asks if everything was alright they kiss and leave saying it is "always nice to see you Harvey." As she watches James leave, she gives him a glower.

After discovering that Mooney had framed Mario Pepper for the murder of the Wayne's, Gordon goes to confront her. He walks in on her playing chess with herself and she addresses him with a very flat "how nice." He asks her what she and Harvey had been talking about while he was out back. She asks him if he shouldn't just ask Bullock, reminding him that they were both partners. He tells her that Bullock may lie to him and sh aggress, asking if he thought that she wouldn't. Gordon turns to leave after seeing two of her henchmen, telling her that she "already did." But she stops him stating that he has "a little danger in your eye" and asks what he "plans to do with that." When Gordon tells her she'll have to find out later, she replies that he "hates surprises." The henchmen begin to brawl with him until Fish knocks him unconscious with one of her desk lamps.

The next day, Fish is eating while watching a comdeian auditioning for her club and laughing at his dark sense of humour. She answers her phone and asks Gilzean to put Bullock on, when the former tells her that he latter arrived at the abbatoir, where Fish usually has her "problems" dealt with. She signals for the comedian to wait, but tells him that he is "doing great" Fish angrily answers and Bullock tells her that she has to let Gordon go and asking her rhetorically how long they had been friends. She tells them that the friendship had been long, but ended after doing him a favour and it "about to blow up in her face" because of Bullock's "stupidity." Bullock tells her the problem is Major Crimes not Gordon, to which to retorts by asking how they had gotten on to her. Bullock replies that Major Crimes found out, because someone talked. When she says that none of her people would snitch on her , Bullock tells her that is what everyone says. She looks around at Cobblepot, who smiles at her and she begins to get suscpiscous, before agreeing. He repeats that she has to let him go and if she doesn't he will be forced to come after her. She laughs and tells him that she will as long as he keeps him under control, asking him to put Gilzean back on the phone. She attitude immediatl changes and calls Harvey a "son of a bitch," ordering Gilzean to hang him up with Gordon for threating her.

Cobblepot pours her a glass of wine and her attitude changes for a third time, bleesing his heart and asking him if he would "be a good boy and rub my feet." She tells the comedian to give her a momment, saying she hasn't forgotten about him and she likes him, thinking him to be funny. She tells Cobblept that there used to be discapline in Gotham and that Falcone is getting "old and soft." She tells him it's time and that someone is going to take over the position so it might as well be her. He agrees and she compares him to a son, to which he agrees again. But she reveals how she doesn't understand why after "all I've done for you" and being on the "verge of greatness" he would betray her and asking why he would betray his "mother." When he tries to tell her he doesn't know what she is on about, she persits telling him that she knew Cobblepot had snitched to MCU as he was the only other person to see her with the pearls. She sits up as he tries to tell her it was Gilzean, but she retorts that Gilzean is loyal. He frantically says that he would open a vein if she asked him to, which she gives him the go ahead to, cleaning and handing him the knife she had used for her food. He tells her he was speaking "poetically" but she continues and tells him to prove his loyalty, gauding him by saying "my little Penguin." He tries to attach her but she knocks him down with a chair, taking up one of the chair legs and using it to brake Oswald's leg.

Constantine (2014 Pilot Review)

Interesting and fully enjoyable to watch. I have never read a Hellblazer comic in my 16 years on this planet, although my friend says I'm missing out. And if it is anything like what I have just witnessed... Send me the full series.

I liked the darker, edgier mystical side of the show and thought that Matt Ryan made a very good con-man occult "master." Watch the episode to get the refrence, because it is used  twice and may become the series' running joke.

The premise of the show is that John Constantine is trying to find a way regain his soul after it has been damned to the underworld. Nice idea and has a Buffy the Vampiresc vibe  to it.

It was not as good as the Flash Pilot, however I think that after a few episodes it will hit a stride and grow like Arrow did. It is well worth a watch and a bit of mystical fun.

Please do forgive the picture quality of the video as it a little fuzzy, but it is still watchable.

Davy and Stu (Short Film Review)

Very diffrent from my original posts plan, but my brother gave me the best advice.... Don't just talk non- stop about the same thing.

This week I watched Davy and Stu and  I thought it was a really sweet, emotional and engaging short.

The film, based on the play written by Anton Dudley tells the story about two teenagers meeting in the bog and woods after school and the relationship the two boys have with each other.

Though the accents (meant to be scottish) aren't the best and are hard to understand after the first watch, the acting is great, spesifically the small facial expressions. It is also a wonderful tale of a teenager's first love, with Stu finding it difficult to express his feelings.

The conversations are real and the I find the whole script and the addition of the old scary legends to be a believable exchange between two teenagers.

Overall I absolutly adore this movie and  think it is a great example of a short film. I also think that both Nicholas Cutro and Travis Walters (as Davy and Stu) do  a marvelous job and have great chemistry between them.

Jim Gordon (Injustice Gods Among Us Year 2)

Injustice Gods Among Us Year 2 #2

Jim Gordon investigates the G.C.P.D roof after Superman activates the Bat-signal. Gordon inquires if intimidating people on rooftops at night was what he was doing now, after Superman demands to know where Batman is.

Superman repeats the question more threatingy as Gordon lights a cigarette with the reply "I can quite happily say I have no idea." Superman begins threatening him if he is lying, but Gordon tells him that he can find out himself by hearing his heart rate increase or see his pulse quicken.

Superman confirms he is telling the truth and tells Gordon that he expects him to give up Batman's location if he ever learns it and not to aid a fugative. But Gordon says that he believes Batman is "not a fugative from any justice I represent." Superman asks about his daughter, which causes Gordon to snap, taking it as a threat, but Superman just informs him that he has extensive cancer growths on his lungs and suggests he seek treatment for it. He apologizes and flies away, leaving Gordon staring at his cigarette.

He next appears in #6 he is seen with detectives Bullock and Montoya watching the Regime forces as they enter Gotham. Montoya asks if they are just going to let them into the city, but Gordon tells her "Not now." But she persits, asking if he has a plan.

Later that day he stands outside of a building talking to a secuirty camera saying "It's your dad. Let me in." He continues by saying that he knows Barbara is in there and he also knows everything.

When Barbara comes down to speak to her father, he asks where Batman is. When she tries to pretend she doesn't know anything tells her to stop lying and reveals the fact that he knew Bruce Wayne was Batman and she was Batgirl and let the for years protect the city "do what you felt needed to do" and that he is done pretending. She asks him how long he knew for and he tells her that it was "from the moment you first put on the costume and snook out of your bedroom window with Dick Grayson." She asks how and he shouts back angrily "I'm a detective!" before asking where Batman is again. She tries to explain that Batman is recoverng in the Tower of Fate, to which he repies that's no help at all him knowing that Batman is not an option. When she asks why he is here, he tells her that he has cancer and that he is dying. They hug in silence. He apologizes and says he knows that Superman will become a monster and won't be able to protect Gotham and her for long, but Barbara reasures him by telling him "we" have a pan. When he asks about we, Barbara presses a button on her wheelchair, opening the secret entrance to her hideout and revealing the Birds of Prey with her telling him, "You don't know everything about me."

In #11 Gordon and Montoya visit Bullock, who is Gotham Genera after being beaten up by a Regime Sodier, who was harassing a couple. He asks how Bullock is and Bullock replies that he is pissed that they can't do anything to stop and lock up the soldiers. He tells Bullock to get up, which shocks Montya who tells him that Bullock won't b able to walk, but Bullock stands up picking up his badge and accepting his hat back from Gordon, who says he would need it but not his badge. They walk down the corridor and he tells them they are going to police the city.

In issue #12 Gordon has gathered all the G.C.P.D together along with the Birds of Prey, telling them that they know that Gotham doesn't take kindly to "super-powered thugs" and that violence doesn't get the job done. When a female tells them they don't have jobs anymore, Gordon replies by saying they have a job, but it will be harderand they will need to "protect Gotham citizen from their so called protectors." A male cop asks how they are supposed to since Bullock had been beaten with a police badge in his hand. Bullock replies that he is standing there for a reason and Gordon tells them all they don't a badge anymore. The female cop asks if they are to quit the police force and aks how they are supposed to pay for bills, which is bounced back that a private benifactor will help out and that they haven't brought them to have their time wasted. Gordon tells them he has brought them there as they are all good cops who will stand up for what they believe (even to him) and that he is offering them the chance to be police. When another cop asks how they are going to do that with the soldiers Gordon tells them about the pill and says that the Birds of Prey need sodiers of their own and that the pill will be their new badge. He swallows the pill and allows Bullock to shoot him in the head, shocking those attending when the bullet bounces off and he tells them it's a game changer.

In issue #14 Gordon knocks out a Regime Soldier, who was trying to flee after his partner had being defeated by Bullock, Montoya and the Birds of Prey. Gordon cuts Bullock off midway through reading the soldier his rights telling them to take them away "as they are an invading army and not criminls." He leaves saying they are going to be interogated for information, without holding them due process and that they have no rights.

In #16 Gordon is among the members of the Insurgency to hear Batman's message and hugs Barbara, who tells him he looks tired, but he insits he is okay.

In #17 Gordon witnesses Mogo's attack on the Sinestro Corps, murmering "my god..." as he sheilds his eyes from the glowing green light.

In #18 Gordon  asks Oracle if there ready to go, (sweating and pale) as he prepaires the cops and Harley Quinn for battle. He tells them to take their pills and not to hold back as every soldier in their will be invunerable as well and that "they are about to take out one of the world's smartest people on Earth and a man who can cross continents in a heartbeat." He says that if Flash is not taken care off first, then the entire opeartion will be over before anyone realizes. He tells Harley to not deviate from the plan and just open the door.

After the initial attack by Harley Quinn and Catwoman, Gordon orders the troops to attack and orders them to find Lex Luthor and Cyborg for taking in.

Gordon tells Oracle that they've taken the Hall of Justice. Luthor surrendors and tells him that he needs to speak about Oracle. Gordon tells Bullock to let him up and Luthor needs to speak to him alone. Luthor tells him that he has been helping them and that Cyborg knows they are listening and trying to trace Oracle. Gordon replies that he has no idea what he is on about, but Luthor rebuffs the statment., whispering "he is going to trace the programme back to Barbara." Gordon demands that Luthor take him to Cyborg, who underestimated Cyborg's abilities and says that she will never be safe if the Regime are aware of her identity. Luthor tells him that the only way it will work is if looks as if Gordon has Luthor against his will as it only will read his biological signiture and that they won't know he is a mole if they fail. Gordon asks him if he knows how advanced his cancer is, which Luthor states he does and apologizes for. But Gordon tells him he doesn't need to worry  as "dead men don't tell secrets."

In issue #20 Gordon arrives on the Watchtower, where he pretends to have knocked Luthor unconscious and has his gun pointing at Cyborg. He orders him to stop tracing Oracle and surrender without a fight. Cyborg states he won't fire his weapon on the space station, but he does hitting the metal side of Cyborg's forhead. He asks him if will make any other assumptions, ordering him to stop the trace or he will hit the human side. Cyborg  tells him that he doesn't expect he would kill him in cold blood because he is a cop. Gordon tells him not to do anything, but Cyborg says he does't have to. While they are talking he is running a scan on him and sees that Gordon's vitals are dropping and asks if he is dying. Gordon doubles over in pain and Cyborg asks if he can do anything as he is "out of time." Gordon drops his gun as Cyborg activates his cannon and fires at Gordon's chest. Gordo yells that he won't let Cyborg find "her" and punches him to the ground, telling him he doesn't understand technology but knows it can't run without power, ripping off the metal part of Cyborg's face with his hand and throws it away.

Luthor gives Gordon his glasses back, which he lost in the fight telling her Barbara is safe. Gordon asks if Cyborg is dead, but Luthor replies that he alive, just offline. He asks if Gordon understood why he couldn't act directly and he states he does telling Luthor that his secret is safe. Luthor helps Gordon to his feet telling he doesn't look good and asking if Gordon knew that the pills would increase the strentgh of the cancer. He replies he did, but asks what other choice did he have. He asks Luthor to give him a moment and take Cyborg back to Earth.

Gordon contacts Oracle to tell them that Cyborg has been taken out and that he is being sent back to Earth for Montoya and Bullock to arrest, asking her to put him on a private channel. He tells her that she should see Earth from the Watchtower, where it looks calm without the sight of the war or fear. He says Superman is nothing more than a criminal and he mutn't be able to get hold of it. 

Batman tells him he won't and Gordon says it's good to hear his voice. Batman reveals his identity, but he says "No, it isn't. It was never 'Bruce'" Batman tells him it was an honour to serve Gotham with him. Gordon asks him to keep serving "her" Oracle tells him that Bullock is standing by and is asks him get to the teleporter, but he says he's sorry and tells her she has always been strong and that the resistance needs her. He says he loves her and says goodbye, before weakly joking with Batman that he "get's to dissappear on you for once." He reaches out to touch Earth as he dies peacefully, leaving Batman calling for his friend to answer.

Gordon first appears in Injustice Gods Among Us #6, (for more detale look at Gordon: Injustice Gods Among Us). It is revealed in #2 Year 2 that he has cancer. In issue # 6 he joins the Insurgency and later dies in #20 from the cancer, peacfully knowing that his daughter's identity is safe.

Injustice Gods Among Us Year 2- Review

After Superman defeats and brake's Batman's back, he continues his world take over to make the world a "perfect place."

I personally love this series and think gives a brilliant look on the descent Superman takes to become the dictator he is in Injustice Gods Among Us game. The first part of this story deals with the Sinestro Corps coming to Earth and forming a very shaky partnership with the Justice League and One Earth Regime. The second part is the formation of the battle plan for the Insurgency to attack the Regime, folowed by the final part, where Superman and his forces face off against the full force of the Green Lantern Corps, Ganthet and the Insurgency (Except Batman who is recovering.)

This comic shows not only th fall of Superman, but also the fall of Hal Jordan and how he becomes the Yellow Lantern. 

My favorite characters have to be Harley Quinn and Black Canary. Canary is a strong female character, who is trying to avenge the death of her husband. As the series goes on you can see how she becomes stronger still the point she can go toe to toe with him. I have always loved H.Q, but non-more so than this series. She has some of the funniest lines, acting as comic relief to the very present darkness of the war and shows a side to her that should be depicted in all versions: honest, loyal and (in her own way) kind-hearted.

If you haven't read this series I would definatly recomend it as it is exciting, dramatic, funny and extremly moving. All I have to say is #20 almost made me cry.

If you do want to start reading these from the very first issue Year 2 #1, then I recomend you check out the link below (Redemption Mode) on youtube where you will be able to find them and other comics complete and free.

The Flash Tv Pilot- Review

Well I thought for my first official post I would review one of this years big three starting  Dc Comics based tv shows The Flash Pilot episode. 

Now this was absoluty amazing. Following the introduction of Barry Allen to Arrow, his back story and life after the coma he is put in is explored. This episode is quite fast paced for a pilot, which I think could be watched without seeing Arrow. However watching the episodes Barry appears in gives a great understanding to the character, even if you do see the accident in the pilot.

The whole premise of the show is how Barry uses his powers gained in the S.T.A.R Labs accident to help fight crime and get his father out of priosn, convicted for the death of his mother. Unlike Arrow, there are a lot more C.S.I styled investgative skills and follows a simiar formula to Smallville's villain of the week.

The pilot's big baddy was Clyde Mardon, who in the comics goes by the name Weather Wizard. As mentioned in the trailer, people have been given powers by the accident and he can control the weather (like his New 52 portail.) I happen to like Chad Rock's portrayl as Mardon and hope that the quality of the vilains stays as high as they did not only in this episode but in Arrow.

This episode is to be aired October 7th in America and would say if you like superhero shows with detective work and action then this is a great show for you.

Welcome readers

Hi there to all fans of comic books, tv series and general cool stuff. This is my blog about the old, the new and the classics and I hope you enjoy reading this as much  as I do creating posts and if you have any questions or suggestions for future posts please feel free and I will try to be as current and update (everything in the last 70ish years in comics) as I can.

Enjoy and have fun :)