Tuesday 14 October 2014

Apokoliptian Command Towers (The New 52)

First Appearance: Justice League (2011) #3- Justice League, Part 3

The Apokoliptian Command towers provide information and commands to the Parademons, which are erected on every planet where Darkseid's Invasion Force arrives. One forms in the center of the Metropolis bay. The towers also act as organic material farming, where Desaad and other scientists of Apokolips can experiment to make new breeds of soldiers. 

In Justice League #5: Superman, Batman and members of Metropolis that were abducted by the Parademons and taken to the tower. However due to the fact that the tower did not have the proper tools to deal with Superman's physiology, he was sent to Apokolips. 

In Justice League #6:The towers exploded along with the Boom Tubes, taking out any Parademons that were on Earth and stopping any more plans from Apokolips for the time.

In Earth 2 #1these towers were erected very much in the same mannour as Prime Earth. Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman chose Metropolis as the end battle so that Batman could get access to one of these towers and shut it down. A second tower in the Huon Peninsula was being targeted with nuclear weapons by American soldiers, which was meant to be used if the Metropolis mission failed.

Numerous towers had been destroyed over the course of the war, which resulted in the transmition being sent to another tower and the erection of more towers before they could stop them. Batman used this information to develope a virus that would bring down the towers and will be passed on with the transmition and stop the Parademons. 

Batman scales the tower in Metropolis, where he uploads the virus into the central control. The virus was successful in shutting down the tower, however a fail safe was triggered, causing the towers to explode (killing Batman) and stopping the Parademons, making them drop out of the sky.

The remnants of the towers, large smoking craters known locally as "Fire Pits" were the reminder of everything that was lost and gained during the war.

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