Tuesday 14 October 2014

The Roman Gods- Earth 2 (The New 52)

First Appearance: Earth 2 (2012) #1 The Price of Victory
First Mentioned: Earth 2 (2012) #1- The Price of Victory

During the Apokoliptian War, the every Gods to up arms in answer of Wonder Woman's prayers. 

Even Bacchus, god of wine fought as Amazon Island burned. However many gods were slain. Mercury went to Wonder Woman, who was battling in Metropolis to thank her and report about all the deaths. He had seen Apollo and Neptune fall in front of him while elsewhere Vesta  had been ripped apart. Mercury believes that their efforts may not be enough to stop them and this will be where they die. Wonder Woman begs him to fight a little longer to give Batman time to destroy the Apokoliptian Command Tower. He says they will "though great Jupiter himself may yet perish we have resolve." Minerva was insistant that Wonder Woman help battle with the gods, but she too was killed along with Mars. Delivering his message of thanks for allowing him to believe in mankind, Mercury departs to join his fellow gods.

However all the gods (except Mercury) fell during the war. Mercury himself was captured by an unknown being and held for five years, until he eventually escaped, although the effort in doing so weakned him to the point of near death. His final act before his death was to empower Jay Garrick with the "Speed of a god," telling him that he is the hero the world needs.

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