Sunday 14 September 2014

S.T.A.R Labs Particle Accelerator (Arrow/ The Flash)

First Appearance: The Flash Season 1 Episode 1- Pilot
First Mentioned: Arrow Season 2 Episode 1- City of Heroes

 Designed by S.T.AR Labs to provide clean energy to the whole of Central City, where the project and accelerator are based.


Throughout Arrow Season 2: Channel 52 and their news anchor Bethany Snow reported on the progress of the accelerator. 

After Arrow had defeated Cyrus Gold and saved Roy Harper from Brother Blood, Barry is said to have rushed back to Central so he could be in time to witness the unveiling.


However on the night the accelerator was activated, something happened causing a freak storm that struck Barry Allen, causing the accident that made him into the Flash.

The Acceleartor released theoretical energies such as anti-matter and dark energy which somehow caused humans to gain meta-human abilities.

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