Friday 10 October 2014

Clyde Mardon (The Flash)

 Chad Rock

 First Appearance: The Flash Season 1 Episode 1: City of Heroes

Clyde Mardon is the brother of Mark, who like his brother is criminal who served time in Iron Heights Prison. After the particle accelerator disaster he gained the meta-human ability to be able to manipulate and control the weather.

In early 2014, Clyde and his brother Mark robbed a bank, by shooting out the security cameras, taking the money and he personally shot and killed a security guard who had pursuing them, before escaping in a Mustang Shelby GT 500.

They hid on a Central City farm, where they planned to fly away in a plane. On the night of the particle accelerator explosion, Clyde took refuge in the barn while Mark got the plane ready. However Detectives West and Chyre arrive to investigate, forcing him to open fire on the pair. He gets away, shouting to them that he “had a plane to catch.” While Chyre stops his pursuit to take in the escape plane, Clyde shoots him in the face and killed him. He catches the plane, which is being piloted by Mark and they both escape. However the plane is brought down by a burst of radiation causing it to crash.

Clyde managed to survive, gaining the power to control the weather, although it is unclear what he had been doing for the nine month period that Barry had been in a coma or when his powers manifested.

He resurfaces nine months later in a down town Gold City bank. He writes a message on a slip of paper and hands it to the woman behind the bank, which she reads out to be “This is a robbery.” When she asks if it is a joke, he says “you tell me.” He takes a step back, creating a miniature storm cloud and mist that startles everyone and causes all the glass in the ceiling to shatter. He uses the cover of the storm to rob the bank and escape. However one cell phone recorded him making his escape in a black mustang with a partially recognisable number plate.

Mardon had also struck two other banks in the space of that month, using his powers to cover his tracks. His powers had shorted security cameras and his face could not be caught by cameras, which resulted in him eventually being identified by police sketch artist.

Police cars chase after Mardon, who causes a crash that nearly kills Iris (though she is rescued at the last second by Barry), before driving off. Barry recognises Mardon and speeds after him, smashing into the car and startling Clyde. He tries to pull a gun on him, but Barry causes the car to tip over. He escapes from the car and Barry confronts him, but he creates fog to cover him and cause a car crash.

Mardon escapes to the farm just west of Central City, where the plane had crashed. Detectives West and Thawne track him down as well as Caitlin Snow (using a rerouted S.T.A.R Labs satellites to identify freak weather patterns, with a freak dropping of atmospheric pressure by 20 millibars in seconds.) They discover him sitting in the barn, who tells them they “have him”, before laughing. He begins to talk about the events after waking up and comparing his powers to God. When Thawne turns his gun on him, Clyde sends them both flying across the room, knocking Thawne out. He asks if they thought they had the power to stop “God,” but West retaliates by questioning why “God” would need to rob banks. He tells West that he is right and that he was thinking too small, creating a massive tornado that destroys the barn. Clyde stands in the centre of the tornado moving towards Central City.

When Barry starts running counter clockwise around the tornado, Clyde hits him with a blast of lightning that knocks him back. He states that “it's time to think big” continuing his advancement on the city. Barry makes another attempt, which is successful in cancelling out the power of the tornado. Clyde turns his gun on him, saying that he didn't believe anyone else had powers and that he was "like him", but Barry tells him that he isn't as Mardon is a murderer. Before Clyde can shoot, West open fires, killing Mardon and saving Barry.

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